Chapter 42

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2021, Paris, France

            Being back in Paris felt weird, being back in her room felt weird, being back in the studio felt weird, everything felt weird. Michelle missed Damiano more than ever, she missed the whole band of course, but it was even harder to be away from her boyfriend. They had spent months apart, years apart, but this time it was different, why? Well, because the whole world knew about their relationship. Every time Elle was being interviewed, she would be asked about Damiano David and how they ended up together. 'It's a funny story.' she'd say, 'looks like we never really moved on from each other and this month in Rotterdam brought us back together.' It wasn't the truth of course, but they were celebrities (even if the brown-haired girl still had issues with this notion) they were ought to lie to the press. 

             Michelle had never been really fond of the whole idea of throwing a big party for her birthday, a big party meant a lot of people, and lots of people meant social anxiety. Sometimes, she wondered how she succeeded to sing in front of thousands of people, when she couldn't even throw a party with more than twenty people. The party was obviously Clara's idea, who was now officially her best friend's manager, or momager as she would call herself. The singer believed it was more of an excuse to forget just for a night that the blond girl missed Victoria, because the two of them weren't really enduring long distance relationship very well. 

             Celebrating her birthday without her boyfriend didn't feel right, to be honest, doing anything without the Italian singer didn't feel right. Sometimes, Elle wanted to pack her bags, let everything down: the recording of her album, the interviews, the TV performances, etc. and go to Rome to be with the ones she loved. Of course, she couldn't just do that, she had responsibilities, but the brunette would rather be in the Italian capital than in the French one. 

             The first thing Michelle had done after coming back from Rotterdam was sleep for twelve hours straight, then, when she woke up, she booked an appointment at her hairdresser and make a radical statement: her hair had to be cut. Which led to her getting rid of her medium length hair and getting a cute, casual vintage bob. As Damiano would say, Elle's hair was now almost as long, or short whether on how you'd look at it, as his. It made them laugh, they needed it, because being away from each other was hard, harder than they had imagined. 

            As the brunette girl walked into the hall where her birthday party was taking place, her hair bouncing every time she moved, her all white look brought everyone's attention to her. But she was only focused on one boy, the one she didn't think she'd see tonight, her boy: Damiano. Instantly, a real smile formed on her lips, she'd spent her birthday with her lover for the first time in forever. 

             She waved to her guests and walked up to him, hiding her face in his neck, for the first time in a week, she felt home. Because home isn't obviously a place, sometimes it's someone, and to Michelle, her home was Damiano.

"What are you doing here?" Asked the girl smiling against his skin.
"I couldn't not be here for my girlfriend's birthday, could I?" He answered flirtingly.

           If this week had proved them something, it was that they couldn't live without the other, so as soon as the French girl's albums recording would be over, she'd move to Italy with Damiano, and the band alongside with Clara, because that was where they belonged. Michelle's heart had always belonged in Italy, in Rome, and it was truer than ever. 

             The two lovers spent their night dancing together, kissing, drinking, singing, they were teenagers again, the only difference was that they were now known worldwide. But that would never change anything to Michelle and Damiano, they would always be the two teenagers they once were.

hello friends!
we're slowly coming to an end, i don't know yet if i stop at 45 chapters or if i go to 50, it will be a surprise ahah
a cute little chapter with the struggles of long distance relationship, the next three will be focused on the other couples aka thomas and giuls, ethan and dante, and vic and clara. and then, we shall see on the moment ;)

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