Chapter 17

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2019, London, England

         Weeks had passed, Michelle had gone back to Paris only to gather her things from her aunt's house to move it into the flat she shared with Clara in the 7th arrondissement. It had cost them a lot, but Clara had her parents' inheritance and Elle had the money from her first album, so they had that beautiful flat that they loved. The blond French girl went back to Paris because her internship was done since Elle's tour was over, and Elle had moved into the band's flat in London. She had lived here for almost a month now, and she was happier than ever, because every night she slept in Damiano's arms. The two singers were officially in a relationship, they were pretty secretive about it, only their friends knew, and it was better like that, they did not need the pressure of the media, especially not Michelle. A few days ago, she had released the song she wrote with the band, and she knew it did not make her family, but she did not care, not after what they did. Michelle's dad wanted to go to London to talk to his daughter, but he somehow changed his mind and let her be, which was for her greatest pleasure. Her song had made a good start, people were relating to it, more than she had expected, she was proud of it, she was proud of herself.
         Christmas was almost here; it had been almost two months since she moved with her friends. That day, Victoria and Elle went out to go Christmas shopping for the boys, and when they came back to the flat, the French girl had the worst surprise ever.

"Did you tell Clara to come for Christmas?" Victoria smiled shyly; Elle was certain that the bassist had a crush on her best friend.
"I did, she said she would think about it, but Clara hates Christmas. Usually, she came with my aunt and I on our Christmas vacation, but we don't really celebrate it."
"Why does she hate Christmas? It's the most wonderful time of the year." Vic sounded surprised, it was not often that someone disliked Christmas, the brunette sighed as the musician put the keys in the door.
"She used to love it, but then her parents died, and Clara was left all alone. But I'm sure she'll come, she..." The French singer stopped talking when she walked into the flat and saw a girl on her boyfriends' lap. "What the hell is going on here?!"

         Her bags fell on the ground as she put a hand in front of her mouth, a sob got stuck in her throat as the girl turned around and faced her with a smirk. Damiano was topless, and he was breathing heavily, and he had lipstick all over his lips and cheeks.

"As you can see, you're disturbing us, Darling, so..."
"Don't 'Darling' me!" Interrupted Michelle, clearly angry. "Who the fuck are you?"
"Michelle..." Damiano tried to talk but got quiet when he saw Elle's gaze.
"You know what? I don't want to know. Do whatever you want, but you and I, it's over. I'll go pack my things, and you'll explain to Thomas why I left once again."

              The brown-haired French girl gattered her bags and went to the room she shared with Damiano, she locked the door and threw herself on the bed, crying. She was stupid, she had believed him every time he said he loved her, and then, it happened. He kissed a girl, on the flat they shared with all of their friend, she could hear Victoria yelling after Damiano, she could hear his footsteps coming closer until he was behind the door.

"Elle, please, listen to me." His voice was shaking, as if he had cried, but he had no right to cry, not when he was the one to cheat.

         She got up, took her suitcases that were under the bed and threw everything in it, every single pieces of her closet ended up in her luggage. He was still trying to talk to her, but she could not hear him, because she was throwing up in the toilet. Elle felt sick, but she knew what it was, the little voice was here, telling her that she was not worthy, he cured her, and now he was the reason why it was back. The brunette took her suitcases and opened the door without looking at him, she walked toward the door when he caught her arm to stop her.

"Amore, please."
"You have no right to call me that! You have no right to look that sad! It was your choice, Damiano! You brought that girl here, you kissed her!" She was shouting and crying. "It's over, we're over. I don't want to see you ever again."
"Where will you go?" The Italian singer sounded worried, which only hurt more.
"Anywhere, as long as it's far away from you."

         Michelle turned around with her bags, and left the flat without looking back, no matter how loud he called her, she never looked back. Once she was in the taxi to the airport, she called Clara, and when her best friend answered she started sobbing again.

"Oh my god, Elle, what happened? Why are you crying?"
"He cheated on me, Clara, I saw him when I got back from our shopping session with Vic, he..." Elle never finished her sentence because her phone died in her hand.

         She booked a ticket in the first flight to Paris, it cost her a lot, but she could not wait any longer to go home. A few hours later, Elle and her three suitcases were finally back in Paris, in the flat she shared with Clara and when her best friend came back from college, she burst into tears in her arms. Michelle had never been so hurt in her life, her heart literally hurt and it killed her, she never wanted to love again, not if it meant to suffer like that.



I'm sorry guys, but it was very much needed for the rest of the story. Next chapters will be flashforwards until the ESC, which means... we're getting into the biggest part of the story!


La Vie En Rose |MÅNESKIN|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ