Chapter 13

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2019, Paris, France

"We'll let you guys talk." Thomas kissed Michelle's forehead and went to another room, letting the brunette and Damiano alone.

    He was avoiding any eye contact with her, what had happened to him? He was fine a few hours earlier on the phone, what was different now?

"I... I wanted to surprise you, I thought you'd be happy to see me, but apparently I was wrong." Her voice was shaking, she was trying not to cry, they had waited for this moment for so long, and now, he looked sadder than ever.

The Italian singer tried to talk but busted out crying, Elle ran toward him, and he fell onto her arms, sobbing. She had never seen him cry before, Damiano was not the kind of person to cry in front of someone else, he acted like he had to be strong for the others, but sometimes it was just too much. He did not calm before at least ten minutes had passed, his makeup was ruined, but Michelle still found him beautiful.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have seen that." Elle smiled; his head was still resting on her shoulder, and she loved that sensation.
"You should never say sorry for that, it's okay, sometimes everything is just... too much. I'm glad I was here when you needed me."
"You should go with Clara, Vic and the guys, I'm not in the mood to party, I think I need some sleep." It was true, he looked exhausted.
"I can't party, I have to leave tomorrow, it was my only day off this week, and I couldn't miss the opportunity to come and see you. Would you like to go to my place? You could get some sleep while the others party, my aunt is not home."
"Really?" Damiano looked relieved, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
"Thanks, Elle."

He kissed her cheek, and held out his hand for her to take, together they went back to their friends who had already started partying. Victoria was laughing with Clara, while Ethan and Thomas were imitating them. The brown-haired French girl could not help but wonder if her life would have been like that if she had not left Rome two-years ago, but it did not matter, because her life was better now.

"Elle! Dami! You're back!" Vic hugged them tightly before turning to her best friend, looking worried. "Did you cry? Are you okay, Dami?"
"We're going back to Elle's flat, I need some rest, but go enjoy the night, guys." He was smiling a little, which was still better than earlier.
"You can come as well, it won't be as fun as a night club, but there's everything to have a good after show at mine." Once again, Damiano looked relieved after Elle's sentence, she knew he would feel better if his friends were not to far. The band was like a person, cut in four parts, they needed each other to live, it was a friendship like she had never saw before.
"Thanks, Elle."

    Michelle and Damiano walked back home with their fingers interlaced, while Clara drove the rest of the band to Elle's flat. Somehow, Elle arrived before her friends and had the time to turn one of the couch into a bed because she knew that they would end up spending the night here. They stayed all together in the living room for almost an hour before Damiano started falling asleep on the French singer's shoulder, she smiled and took him to her room where he laid down in her bed.

"Will you stay with me?" He looked like a child without his makeup, he was hidden under the cover, Elle could only see his face, he was way too cute.
"Of course." She left the room to go to the bathroom to take her makeup off before coming back and laying in the bed next to him. He wrapped his arm around her waist, like they used to do when they were younger. "Dami?"
"Promise me you'll be here when I wake up."
"I promise."

    Both of them smiled, they felt home in each other's arms, they were smiling, they were genuinely happy.

"Elle, will you come with us to London after your tour? You're not forced to stay for the whole year, but..." His voice was sleepy, but she knew that he had to ask, he needed it.
"Of course, I'll come with you, idiot. I'm not staying away from you for so long, not ever again."
"I love you, Elle."
"I love you, Dami."

    He kissed her and finally fell asleep, she was not sure it was a good idea to go with them, but she could not stay away from her friends, she needed more than a night with them, they all needed it. Michelle did not fell asleep until it was already early in the morning, she just listened to Damiano's breath, played with his hair, she just wanted him to feel better.
Content warning: SMUT
    When Elle woke up, Damiano was still here, he was watching her sleep with an adorable smile on his lips, the whole house was quiet, as if they were alone, only the two of them. He kissed her; it was only an innocent kiss at first, but both of them needed more, they needed each other. Soon, the brunette's pyjamas were on the ground, and the Italian singer was kissing her neck, then her collarbone, and finally, he kissed her boobs, making her moan. He grinned against her skin and did it again just to hear that soft sound again, he loved her, and he wanted her to feel loved. His kisses kept going lower until he was kissing her sensitive skin throughout her panties.

"Elle, you sure you want this?"

    She extended her arms and brought his head back to hers to kiss him, and turn the situation around. Michelle was now on top of him which made him smile, it was quite a nice view. Damiano's back was resting against bed frame and Michelle was sitting on his laps, her panties and his boxers were the only things that they were wearing.

"I like it when you're on top" Moaned Damiano as Elle moved slightly against his boxers.

The brunette smirked and kissed his lips, leaving kisses all around his face, sucking the sensitive skin behind his ear. She began to kiss his neck, leaving love marks on his skin, then she draw each of his tattoo with her thong until he was a moaning mess.

"Holy shit, Elle, I can't..."

Damiano took her hips in his hands and laid her on the bed, he took their underwear off and ripped the condom open with his teeth, which turned Elle even more on. He entered her core and waited for her to got used to him, then he started moving back and forth, making her moan loudly.

"Shhhh, you wouldn't want to wake everyone up, would you?"

Michelle giggled against his lips and they kept kissing until they both came, breathless. They were still naked under the sheets when Vic and Clara entered the room still sleepy.

"Damiano! Wake the fuck up! We're going to be late for fuck's sake!"
"Michelle you're going to miss your flight if you don't move! Why took you so long to get out of bed holy shit?!"

The two girls were both yelling, and the two love birds couldn't help but laugh, it was 10am, both of their flights didn't leave until 2pm, they had plenty of time.

"WAIT!" Everyone turned to Victoria whose eyes were wide open, she looked like she had just saw God itself. "DID YOU TWO FUCKED?!"
"You're not my mom, Vic, nothing force me to answer this question."
"Oh but Elle will tell me, right?" Clara looked at Elle with furrowed brows, she looked exactly like a disappointed mother, or at least, the idea she had of a disappointed mother.
"I'm 18, Clara, I'm free to do whatever I want with my body."
"I don't care, I can see your panties on the ground, I already have my answer."
"Can you please just leave? We'll be here in a minute." Sighed Damiano.
"You better be, David, otherwise I send Ethan to get you out of here." Threatened the blond bassist, which was easily the most ridiculous threat but whatever.

The two singers took a shower and got dressed before joining their friends in the living room, they were holding hands which made everyone smile.

"I still can't believe the two of you fucked." Sighed Vic falsely disappointed.
"It's not as if it was the first time." Laughed Damiano before getting hit in the ribs.
"What?! You two already fucked before?! When?!" Victoria was clearly losing her mind, but it was funny to watch.
"It happened once when I was studying in Italy, we were drunk and it happened, end of the story. I don't want to throw you out but we should get going, we all have shows to perform."

Everyone said goodbye, Elle promising to come to London as soon as she would have finish her tour, Vic ending up crying in the French girl's arms. They were getting kinda used to say goodbye, but every time they were reunited was better than the one before.

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