So that's what he was doing. Immersed in his book with a content smile on his face because he liked the narration, his bedside lamp was on and and the air of the room was silent sans the low grumbling of the fan ahead but that was part of the norm.

But not for long.

Memoona's agitated form pacing the entire length of the room as soon as she came inside wasn't the part of the norm, or it wasn't normally on most days because this was her way of non verbally communicating that she was tense and wanted to talk.

Shoaib pushed the book back, closing it. He loved his night time reading but he was a good husband. He had always been told. So, what a good husband keeps on fulfilling a routine when his wife is visibly worried about something. Not him exactly.

"What is it?"

Memoona sighed. She thought she'd be able to sort out this situation on her own. Ibsam was hot headed but she was sure once his anger subsided he'd be able to listen to her and would understand too. But she was in the wrong. Ibsam had been avoiding her since that day. It almost seemed like he knew she was going to sit him down and give her a long lecture so he'd always bolt whenever there was any opening. It was childish behaviour but he was a child only.

Not being able to talk it out with Ibsam, Memoona had been left to think about the whole situation again and again. Where were things going wrong? It also made her skeptical about her very much sure sentiments towards what was budding between Izaan and Safwa. Was she the only one rooting for it? Or there were other people too who were opposed to this development like Ibsam. She had to know.

"Do you know about..."

Shoaib raised an eyebrow. Memoona looked away. Ibsam's hostility towards the topic had left her unsure how to bring it up to even her own husband.

"About Izzu and Safwa?"

Shoaib didn't say anything. He looked at her as if searching for something and then nodded.

"What do you think about it?"

It was no surprise that he knew. She was just approaching the conversation. He wasn't an ignorant father even though he was a busy man and spent most of his day invested in the matters of his shop and business but he somehow almost always knew what was going within the four walls of this house even not being here the whole day.

"I'm optimistic about it, if that's what you want to know. Izaan seems happy and Safwa is a nice kid."

Memoona sighed relieved. She was so happy he was of the same view.


Her eyes widened a fraction but she waited for him to continue.

"There are other things to consider as well. I will not indulge into those because honestly now's not the time. They are both building their careers and that's what they are supposed to be doing right now. The remaining matters will be considered once they are both ready to start something new and I'm sure that's not anytime soon. Also, we don't exactly know if Safwa's family is on the same page. As I said it's too early to hope for something more. Both for us and for them. I trust Izaan and know he will balance well between both domains of his life."

Memoona nodded, understanding his point. This was something she was already expecting. Izaan had inherited his practical and rational mentality from his father only.

"I'm glad at least we are on the same page here."

Shoaib gave her a doubtful look.

"At least? As far as I know Abba Jee dotes on Safwa just like he dots on his grandsons. Ibtihaj was just yesterday talking about how Safwa helped him in his accounting assignment. Who else?"

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