"Don't say that Zuzu, we both know how we feel about her! All four of us! But until we could go off on our own, we need to let her go!" Azula glared, making Zuko stop, before falling on his knees, tears falling down his face. Azula wanted to make a mean comment about his appearance, but she felt someone wet on her cheek, where she lifted a hand to reveal that she was crying too.

Ty Lee hugged Mai as she wept as well, Mai closing her eyes in despair. Zuko clenched his fists, and yelled out as he punched the ground, anger building up, but regret and sadness was also there.

'(Y/N)... why?'


"Prince Zuko, we have caught a prisoner," Zuko heard one of his helmsman speak up from behind him.
"Is it the Avatar?" He asked in a cold tone, still looking down at his maps.
"No sir, but-"
"Then I'm not interested, release them and leave me alone," He hissed at the soldier.

"But Prince Zuko, they are the Delusional Bender, number one wanted criminal in the Fire Nation," The solider replied, and Zuko groaned, rubbing his face in frustration.
"Doesn't matter, just throw them in a cell," He growled, and the soldier nodded, turning to walk away.

"Delusional Bender, tch, what a stupid name," Zuko scoffed, standing up and stretching his back out, walking out of his room to walk to talk to his uncle. Walking down the hallways of his ship, he walked passed the cells, until he froze at a unfamiliar voice.

"I have my rights! You need to talk to my defender!" It shouted, and Zuko was a few steps away from the cell door where the so called criminal was held in.
'That voice... I'm not familiar with it... yet, I know who it is,' Zuko thought, but tried to shake it away.

'There's no way I could know who it is, theyre nothing but a peasant criminal,' He thought, but then he heard the voice again.
"Twig and I demand satisfaction! Who's your leader?! Tell them that I, the Delusional Bender will fight them!!"


Is that-

"(Y/N)...?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Who said your name? And why do they sound kinda hot- Your eyes widen at the sight of a figure walking up to your cell window, where you saw a boy with a scar on his face, and a ponytail.

You can't believe your eyes as you are seeing your childhood friend.
"Zu..." Twig climbed up your shoulder and tilted his head in confusion as Zuko took a step forward, and watched your face carefully.

"Yo, what happened to your hair, Princey?"


It really was you.


"(Y/N), are you here?" You froze as you hovered over the pot where you were making your family curry, back facing Zuko. Twig cooed happily at the sight of him, and Zuko looked down at his shoes awkwardly.
"Please, hear me out, it's about what I've done in the past," He said, and you just stared at the pot.

"I just want to say, that I'm sorry (Y/N), for everything. I know you might hate me, and I understand that, but please, I need your answer, wether or not your forgive me," He bowed his head, waiting for your response.

He got more nervous as he didn't hear anything from you, but that was until he saw something white above his head. He looked up to see you holding out paper, looking away and making eye contact with anything else.
"What is...?" Zuko picked up the paper, and looked over the words you wrote.

"Katara and the Gaang grounded me from speaking to you, but they never said that I couldn't write to you,"

Zuko looked at you, and you just looked down in slight embarrassment, and he sighed.
"I guess that makes sense. So... do your forgive me?" He asked you, and you scribbled something down, before handing it to him.

"Not really. I can't just welcome you in open arms after you hurt me, said cruel words to me, and forced me to marry you. It just reminds me of Zhao all over again,"

Zuko flinched at the fact you compared him to Zhao, and he looked down in shame.
"I know what I did was very wrong, and I am shameful into thinking that I'll force you to love me. The truth is, ever since we met, I wanted to be with you forever," Zuko explained as you watched him.

"When you left, it hit hard on me, and I thought I would never see you again, until I got banished and I heard that you were a criminal. I thought you were just being reckless and weren't taking care of yourself, but that was until I learned what you been through. (Y/N), I'm sorry that your father died, that you got banished too, and Zhao..." He paused and clenched his fists.

"If I knew what he did to you, I would've protected you sooner! I'm ashamed that I was acting like Zhao, but believe me, I want to do better! I want you too forgive me (Y/N)! A-and that I'll show you that I'm not the Zuko who captured you because of a prize, but the Zuko who will do anything for you!!" He yelled, tears wedding up I his eyes as his grip on the paper tightened.

All he heard was pencil scribbling and saw that you gave him another piece of paper.

"Princey, even though I'm still upset about what you said, I just can't stay mad at you. You were hurting just like me, and I'm sorry I had to leave you suddenly, that was my own fault. We can't change the past, but can we start over again?"

Zuko looked up at you, and you gave him a small smile, making him smile back.
"Of course, and you don't need to be the one apologizing, I understand completely," He stuck his hand out and gave a sheepish look.
"Hi, my name is Zuko," He said, which made your snort and brought out your hand out too and shook his.

"My name is (Y/N), I hope we could be friends," Zuko breathed out a laugh and pulled you into a hug, which made you hug back.
"Yeah, and maybe some day, we could be so much more," He mumbled as Twig hopped on his head and rubbed his head against his hair.

"I'd love that,"

I've watched Suicide Squad 2 over and over again, and I always fall in love with Polka-dot Man,

He deserves better!!

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