✨a few months pass✨

3 0 0

Lance POV
Kobe was at work, and the kids had just gotten to school. So I was alone and bored. I lay on the couch, looking up at the ceiling.

Louis POV
Papa had just dropped us off, and walked us inside. As he always did. I walk in with Ashton, people looking, whispering, secretly judging. Ashton stays close, scared, I could tell. I look around but continue walking, staying silent.

-sometime at around lunch-

Ashton and I sit down, we stare at the food. Revolting. I think. Disgusting.
People continue talking, I hear names.. My name... My sisters name... Our fathers names... I try my best not to get angry but it hadn't been working. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I look over, seeing Ashton..

She stood up and sighed.
"It'll be okay. We don't have much longer. And he can get outta this fucking place.." She mumbles softly. I nod a bit.
"Yeah. But thats if. If anything really.." I speak softly, she grabs her tray and mine as well.
"Ill take this." She says softly, placing the items that were on my tray onto hers, sliding mine under hers so that it was easier to carry, she walks to the trash cans and dumps it, placing it in the small window.

Ashton POV
I felt awkward, not being beside Louis. I felt a hand on my, as my ass got slapped quite heard, I scream and fall back, backing away. I watch as Louis perks up and looks over at me, there was a taller male behind me, he was one of my classmates, as he points he starts laughing.
"OH what a nice ass you have-" he jokes around as tears run down my face.

Louis POV
I stand up and I walk over, socking him in the face, we get to tustling, he was punching me and hitting me but I had him in a bad spot. I watch as Ashton curls up,  my fury was visible, I slam his head into the trash cans,  the teachers run over and pull us apart, but I continue to fight against them.
"HOE FUCKING DARE YOU! IM GOING TO FUCKING-" I realized what I was gonna say and I shut up, my brows furrowed, angerly.
"HUSH." the teacher yells as me. I growl and fight back as all three of us were taken to the office, Ashton was told to sit outside the door. Me and the strangers parents were called and she made it down first. As always..

Lance POV
I hear my phone ring and I reach for it, grabbing it I check the number and realize it's the school and I quickly pick up.
"Hello?" I speak into the phone.
"Hello is this Lance?" I hear a female voice speak
"Yes this is he." I answer
"Yes, uh we need you down at the school." She speaks as I stand.
"Im on my way." I say, hanging it up, I pull my pants on, I had been wearing Kobe's hoodie and some shorts, but I didn't really bother changing. I grab my keys and I run out to the car.

I start it up with a loud roar, pulling out of the driveway, I call Kobe.

Kobe: -answers- "hello my love'
Lance: "Hey babe uhm, have you gotten a call from the school?."
Kobe: "no why is everything okay?"
Lance: "she literally didn't tell me anything other than I need to get down there"
Kobe: "Ill meet you there. Dont go in until I get there I dont want anything to escalate."
Lance: "okay, well I'm about 5-10 minutes away"
Kobe: "Alright, be safe, I love you"
Lance: "I love you too. "
-they hang up-

I pull into the parking lot and I park, I stay in the car, waiting for Kobe, and in about 2 minutes I hear his car down the road, I climb out of my car, holding my keys and my phone in my hand, hitting my vape, placing it in my back pocket.

I watch as Kobe pulls in and parks right beside me. He gets our, grabbing his phone, keys, and vape. He closes the door and walks over to me, I take his hand and he takes mine and we both walk inside, we walk to the office and I see Ashton, I quickly walk over to her and I pull her up, she had tears falling from her face and when she saw us she hugged us tightly. I look up at Kobe and Kobe looks at us, the principal walks out and looks at us.
"Ashton. You are going to wait out here. You two could you meet me in my office?" She spoke, Kobe glares at her.
"While were here you will not tell our daughter what she is going to do. She is coming in with us." I hear Kobe speak angerly as the principal holds open the door.
"O-okay. Come in." She speaks as I pick Ashton up. We all walk in.

Kobe POV
I watch as Louis was fighting against one of the teachers, a woman holding her son back, his nose bloody. I walk over to Louis.
"Hey. Easy.. Breathe okay? Were gonna figure this out." I speak to Louis and right when he saw us he bursted into tears, he was angry and it was quite easy to tell.
The principal walks behind the desk and sits.

"Does anybody want to explain the story?" She asks.
Louis perked up.
"A-ashton t-took our t-trays t-took dump them! An-and she told m-me she go-ot it! W-when she placed th-hem in the window that BITCH! S-SLAPPED HER A-ASS!" he yells, trying to get the teacher to let him go, she had her arms around him tightly, and I could tell he was uncomfortable.
"Sir. Let my son go." Lance speaks.
"No. He is being violent." He speaks.
"LET. MY. SON. GO." Lance yells. The man let's Louis go and Louis immediately wraps his arms around me.

"I DIDN'T D-DO THAT!" the other boy yells.
"Y-YES YOU DID!! EV-EVERYONE SAW IT!! C-CHECK THE C-CAMERAS!!" Louis yells back, crying.
"Ma'am please could you check the camera's?. Louis doesn't just lunge on people like that if they don't do anything wrong.." Lance speaks softly.
I run Louis's back. Holding him close,
Lance, Louis, Ashton, the other boy's mom and I all walk back behind the teacher's desk. As she pulls up the camera, and the time frame, she zooms it in.

And the timing was perfect, you could see Clear as day, Ashton getting up and taking Louis's tray walking to the trash bins, and right when she put the tray up on the window, the male snuck up behind her and basically assaulted her.

"I-i to-old yo-you i-i t-..to-old yo-you... A-AND H-H-HE LI-LIED!" Louis cried more.

I continue rubbing his back.
"I believed you... Its okay... I know..." I whisper to him, keeping him close.

"I think were done here. We may be taking legal action." I speak, gently grabbing Lance's hand, we walk out and grab their things, signing the two out, I take Louis, setting him in my car, buckling him in the front seat.

Lance POV
I take Ashton to my car, setting her in the front seat. Buckling him in, I close the door and I walk back around to Kobe. I felt him softly grab my hand.
"What are we gonna do?.." I ask Kobe, he looks at me and softly kisses me on the head.
"Louis did the right thing. Therefore no punishments needed... He stood up for his sister... We need to take legal action?. Maybe press charges? I mean based on what Ashton wants to do." He says as I lay my head on my chest.
I lean up and I wrap my arms around his neck softly, I felt his hands rest on my hips,  I kiss him softly, and he kisses me back, after a few moments the both of us pull away.
"Lets get home.." I answer, smiling softly as Kobe nods, kissing me on the head, he opens my car door, I blush softly and I get in.
"Be careful, stay safe ill follow you guys" he speaks.
"Okay! You be careful as well!" I speak as he gently closes the door,

Kobe POV
I get into my car, starting it up, As lance pulls out I pull out behind him.
"D-...Da-dad..?" I hear Louis speak as I look over at him.
"Yes son?" I speak softly. I watch as his hands come up to his chest, I look at him and then back at the road.
"A-are you m-m-m-ma-ad?.. A-at m-me?.." He asks, the question ending with a higher pitch in his voice as tears began streaming down his face.
"No! No no of course not!.. Louis you did exactly what you were supposed to do.. You protected Ashton... Your papa and I are very very proud of you.." I say as he holds my arm and starts crying a little more.

Lance POV
I gently place my hand on Ashton's leg.
"Its okay..." I say very softly to her as she continues sobbing, she hugs my arm, embracing it tight. Not letting go. I drive back to the house, pulling up into the driveway, Kobe was directly behind me, I put it in park, taking they keys out, I get out and I walk to the other side quickly.

Kobe POV
Louis and I watch as lance got out quickly and walked to the other side, I get out after putting the car in park and I pull the keys out, Louis gets out as well.

Lance POV
I open Ashton's door, pulling her into my embrace.
She wraps her arms around me tightly, sobbing. I rub her back.
"Shhhh... Its alright... It will be okay honey I promise..." I whisper to her, Kobe walks over and gets down, Louis peeks in between us and looks at her..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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