~ The day of the wedding~

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Lance POV
i wake up and the adrenaline kicks in, i get really scared but i see Kobe next to me and i realize how lucky i am to be with someone like him...
I know ill be okay
I think to myself as i gently kiss him on the forehead, he had stayed up really late last night and it was about 5:00 in the morning, i quietly get out of bed and and i walk out of the room ahutting the door quietly, i look out at the very quiet empty living area. My aunt walks out of her room, she looks at me and smiles.
"How are you feeling honey?" She asks as i make her a cup of coffee.
"Really nervous..  Scared actually, but ill be okay" I say as she hugs me, we both sit on the couch and she holds my hands and she faces me.
"You have met a really really good person... You should be willing to put yourself into this beautiful relationship, i see an amazing bright future for you.. And just know ill be there to witness it, to show and tell people how amazing you two are, i love you both so much and your parents love you more than youll ever know... You are worth waiting for sweetheart... And Kobe knows that.." My aunt says as tears stream down my face, i sob as she hugs me and i hug her back.
"Awe.. Dont cry" My aunt speaks as i wipe my eyes ~sniffles~
"Yo-you all -hic- m-mean s-so mu-much to me t-thank y-y-y-you for e-everything.." I say as i continue crying, she grabs my face and gently wipes my eyes. I hear the bedroom door open and i see Kobe shirtless yawning and streaching. I look at him and i smile. My aunt stands up and grabs ahold of Kobe's hands and pulls him over near the couch and he sits down, she lets them go and Kobe looks at me and smiles. He grabs my hands and looks at me.
"I love you so much baby.." He says as i tear up again and i hug him. He hugs back and he holds me close,
He rubs my back and we xontinue hugging.

~ about 3 hours later, all of the guests to the wedding left along with the guys and the groom they had gotten ready elsewhere as the bride and the brides maids stay Aunt Lisa stayed too just to help out with Zoey and the others. ~

Lance POV (still)
I got really nervous as i grabbed my dress, it was actually ahorter than i though it was about to my knees but longer in the back, white with flower decor at the bottom.  It had no straps and it had dimonds all over the top of it. We all had little sand shoes that were just beads that strapped around your ankles and down around your middle toe. I walked into the bathroom, music playing outloud, i change into the dress, all of the girls talking.
"A-aunt Lisa!" I say as she runs up to the bathroom and i peek out of the door.
"Can y-you come in a-a-and help m-me z-zip it up..?" I ask as she smiles.
"Of course!" She says as she walks in and closes the door behind her,
"Okay turn around" She says as i turn around and she zips it up, i turn around and she looks at me and she smiles, she fixes the bottom of the dress.
"So beautiful sweetheart" She says as she rubs my back as i look in the mirror. I get really nervous and i look at her.
"What if he d-dosnt l-" I begin to say as she grabs my face.
"Look at me" She says as i look at her.
"Never... Doupt yourself, he is going to love anything you do.. Anything you have on okay?" She says as i nod, we both walk out of the bathroom, all of the girls look at me and smile.
"You look ao pretty lancy!" Zoey yells out as she giggle.
Mikka smiles and continues doing Her hair.
"Wait Lance come here" Bella says as i walk up to her and she walls me to the bathroom, she closes the door and goes into the makeup bag, she pulls out some concealer and she covers the marks on my neck i blush.
"I-im sorry" I say as i look at her.
"Stop being sorry silly! Your just nervous and its okay" She says as she puts the concealer away and she hugs me. I hug her back and i tear up.
"Awe why are you crying?" She asks as she looks at me.
"Im just so lucky to have you all" I say as i let go of her and i wipe my face.
She smiles as we both walk out.
~ all of the bides maids wore their golden dresses and all of the geooms men wore their red button up shirts.~

Nobody's POV
everything had already been set up, people were staring due to the fact that yet this is a private beach but it was connected to the non private beach, their were chairs lined up with a space in the middle, and that was the aisle. It was very beautiful, their was a stand that they had to stand under dresses in beautiful silks with a small glass heart sitting on a small rounded table with red and gold sand. The guests and the groom already there, the bridesmaids and the grooms men stand with who their walking with the bride all the way in the back, the groom turned facing the beautiful ocean
(Ill ahow you some of my parents wedding photos so you get a better idea on how it went with them)
Music was playing through the speaker. The song  'there goes my everything' as zane and Zoey walk down the stairs and out down the aisle, the guests already tearing up.

Lance POV
i watched as my two little cousins walk down the aisle and split up, zane goes behind near the groom and zoey goes on the brides side. My aunt said that she would walk me down the Aisle so she was standing with me
We were behind everybody on the deck because nobody has seen me yet. My geart was pumping i was really nervous but i take a deep breath, Mikka and Noah go next doing the same as Zane and Zoey. And once they get down the aisle and split up, Chris and Bella go next, once they get down the Aisle bella will atand right behind me and Chris stands right behind Kobe. I then walk down the Aisle, everybody looks at me as Kobe is told to go ahead and turn around once i make it to the end of the Aisle. My aunt walks me down the Aisle and then stwps off to the side. Kobe looks at ne and smiles as the preist looks at us.
"Please join hands and your vows " He says as he holds the bible as Kobw gently takes my hands, he looks st me and smiles, i tear up a bit as i smile and i look up at him.

~after Vows and we do the sand ceremony thing~

"Lance, do you take kobe, as your lawful wedded husband?" He asks as he smiles and looks at me.
"I do" I say as i smile.
"Kobe, do you take lance as your lawful wedded wife/husband?"
"I do." Kobe says as he smiles and holds my hands.
"Kobe you may kiss the bride" The older male speaks out as Kobw pulls me in and places his lips on mine, everybody stares smiles and claps the guests also clap as they cry, he dips me down and he pulls away. I cry and i hug him and he hugs me back.

~the wedding was over and all the adults went out to eat as the kids stayed with the big kids, they were congradulated but also given some odd looks but they hadnt really cared.~

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