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Kobe POV
we have been talking for quite a while and today was the day.. We both got into the car, we continued talking.
"Baby just take it easy okay? " I tell him. I feel him gently touch my hand I smile. Placing my hand on his thigh. He blushed and smiled. I smile feeling his tiny hands gently holding my one hand, and I begin driving. After we made it we both got out, he held my arm. I smile and we walk in. A lady met us at the front and greeted herself.
"Hello! I am Laney!" She said. Lance smiles.
"I'm Lance! " he spoke up softly, Laney smiled and looked at him and smiled.
"It's nice to meet you Lance, and you are? " she spoke up, looking at me.
"I'm Kobe" I spoke up.
"It's nice to meet you both! So I got your call and you said you were planning on adopting 2 children correct? " share said.
"Yes that is correct" I said. Lance nervously clung to my arm.
"Well we checked your records and if you remember, we sent s few people to check your home and you guys are eligible! " she spoke. Lance looked up at me and teared up a bit. I smile and I pull him into a tight embrace. Laney smiled. He squeezed me and we both pulled away from the hug. He wiped his eyes with the end of my hoodie and I smile.
"I have 2 children. One boy, one girl.  I already pulled them into the office if you would like to meet them" Laney spoke,  we followed her to the office. We see 2 kids sitting in the chairs, they turn to look at us, they were holding hands nervously.
"Kids look. " Laney spike, I watch Lance gently wave at them. The girl kind of waves back. The boy looking nervous.
"This is Louis, and this is Ashton" Laney said.
"Kids go say hi" Laney said as they stood and walked over to us,

Lance POV
Kobe and I got down on our knees to face them Ashton walked up to me and Louis kind of stepped near Kobe. Ashton gently touched my face.  I smile and giggle, her eyes lit up and she got a little closer and started playing with my hair just a little, I smile.
"Hello Ashton. How are you Darling? " I ask her  my voice staying soft and gentle. Trying to be welcoming.
"I-im okay m-mister! " she said, smiling.
"That's good. " I say gently moving her hair out of her face, she looked up at me with her two different colored eyes. I smile.

Kobe POV
I feel Louis gently pick my arm up and he looked at my tattoos.
"Hello buddy" I say as he looks at me.
"H-hello" he mumbled, looking me in the eye.
"How are you? " I ask as he kinda looks away.
"N-nervous " he hummed softly.
"Hey.. And that's okay " I say as he looks at me.
"I- it's is? " he asked questioning me.
"Of course. " I say, he kind of twisted my arm and looked at the tattoos on the side. Laney smiled.
"Are you my daddy? " I hear Ashton say to Lance, Lance looked over at me his eyes were watering. I nodded at him and I smile gently reaching down and holding his hand. He gripped onto mine.
"I will be your pappa" he spoke out. Laney smiled very happily.
"And Kobe will be your daddy" Lance spoke, Ashton nodded and hugged lance. Louis hugged me. I smile and I hug him back. I pick him up and Lance picks Ashton up.

-after signing some papers-

The four of us walk out of the adoption center. The kids laughing and giggling, running after each other. I gently wrap my arm around Lance. He looked up at me.
"I. I instantly feel in love with those two kiddo's" lance spoke.
"I saw the look in your eye baby~" I say, looking at him, I gently come to a stop, the parking lot half empty in the middle of the day, cars fly past the highway. I gently place my lips on Lance's, the kids watch. Lance gently kissed me back. Ashton and Louis smile and continue jumping around. We both pull away and continue walking to the car with the kids.
"Woah! Cool car! " Louis says pointing out a car.
"Yeah buddy that's ours! Go get in! " I say, Lance smiling and giggling. We all get in and drive to the house.
"B-big! " Ashton yelped as we pull into the drive way. We park and we all get out.
"We already have rooms picked out for you guys, we're going to go to the store later on and you guys can get everything you want, toys, beds, light, anything" Kobe said as the kids ran inside and looked around admiring the tile floors and the while walls. Everything was shiny..

(I'll show you)

Kiss Me Under The Moonlightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें