Chapter 30

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Sasha's POV

"Come here zino." I called out for our dog. He came running down the steps. He knows it's time for him to go for a walk. We take him out every morning for a light jog and he loves it.

As I was jogging I noticed a car kept following me but I paid it no mind at first but now it's starting to get weird. Michael usually comes with us on our jogs but he went to Italy for some business and won't be back for another week. I felt myself starting to hyperventilate. I grabbed Zino and I sprinted back to the house. The guards saw me and immediately ran towards me. I felt myself starting to get light headed and all of a sudden I seen black.

When I woke up I was in the hospital bed. All I could hear was Michael screaming over the phone.

"Oh my god tell him to shut up." I winced. The security guards started laughing.

"Well sir she's awake, she said shut up."

"Put her on the phone Gary." He said irritated.

"Yes my love?" I said to Michael.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea I probably passed out from the heat but while I was jogging I seen a car following me."

"What? What kind of car?"

"I think it was like a Mercedes Benz."

"I'll make sure my men look at the cameras to get some information on that, can you please let me know what the doctor say when she talks to you to. make sure everything is good?"

"Yea I'll make sure, I know your busy so I'll talk to you later, I love you."

"I love you more."

After I hung up with Michael I sat there for like 15 more minutes then Dr. Stacey came in.

"Hello Miss.Kelly how are you feeling?"

"Tired and hungry actually." I chuckled.

"Understandable. I just wanted to give you some information about everything going on with you and you can head back home."


"So according to the results of your blood test your iron is very low, we need to up that number. Also you are two months pregnant."

"What!" I screamed.

"Yes, I have prescribed you some prenatal pills and some pills that will have your iron back up, also when you go jogging you have to drink water sweetheart it's important." I was in shock about what the hell she just told me.

"Wait wait wait rewind, you said I'm pregnant?"

"Yes ma'am your follow up appointment will be next week."

"You didn't tell Michael right?"

"Oh no I wouldn't do that."

"Oh my fucking god, I can't believe this shit."

"Congratulations to the two of you, here are your pills you will be taking and your follow up doctors appointment information. Have a good day and drink water your dehydrated." She said walking out the room.

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