Love Language Part 5 (1)

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Summer came like an inevitable feelings that Haruto has for his hyung, Junkyu. They have schedules to shoot for a Summer Camp this week as well as shooting for pairings.

Haruto came back to his dorm, then he saw Jeongwoo walked out of Junkyu's room, he reminisced last night where both of them were hugging each other which make Haruto feel sick to his stomach to think about it. He directly averted his gaze and move to the kitchen to get whatever he can get to make his feeling better.

"Good morning, Haruto!" said Jeongwoo.

'Good morning? More like Worst Morning!' Haruto thought to himself before giving his same age friend a fake smile as well as a fake good morning to him.

Jeongwoo went back to his dorm while Haruto was just zoning out in the kitchen table with a can of cola sits in front of him. Even his favorite drink can not make the memories of last night disappear until someone greet him another good morning.

"Good Morning, Ru- Yyaakk! What happen to your eyes?!" asked Junkyu when he saw Haruto's eyes were swollen.

"Nothing, hyung." Said Haruto after gulping a sip of his cola without looking at Junkyu at all.

Junkyu opened the fridge and took two spoons out of it then sat beside Haruto. He turned Haruto to face him and started to put the frozen spoon on Haruto's eyes.

Haruto sighed. He got a glimpsed of Junkyu's face before the older puts the spoon on his eyes. He saw Junkyu's eyes were swollen as well.

Haruto took away the spoon from his eyes and puts the frozen spoon on Junkyu's eyes instead.

"Look who's the one saying that. What did you do last night to have these eyes?" asked Haruto.

"I-I watched a sad movie last night." Lied Junkyu. He was crying last night as well but not because of a movie, but it was because the antis comments. Not forget to mention on the encouragement he got from Jeongwoo which made him emotional in a good way. Words can make people who have Words of Affirmation Love Language to feel better or worse.

"I was looking for you last night but you were not in your room. I figured you stayed again in Asahi's room." Said Junkyu pouting. However, Haruto was just confused by Junkyu's confession since what he saw last night was totally different from what he saw last night.

"Really?" asked Haruto who took the frozen spoon away from Junkyu's eyes to find out whether Junkyu is lying to him or not. He looked at the older's eyes but Haruto couldn't find any lies in that eyes.

"Hhm... I even texted you but you did not reply to any of my texts. That is why I asked Jeongwoo to accompany me instead." Said Junkyu nodded to Haruto's question.

All Haruto wanted to know now is the reason why Jeongwoo and Junkyu hugged each other last night but he did not have the courage to ask. As much as the urge to ask the question, the memory of Junkyu hugged Jeongwoo took over him and flashed into his eyes again then he sighed. People who have Physical Touch as their Love Language will feel betrayed if they saw someone he cared about is having affection towards someone else and that is what Haruto felt.

"I'm tired. I'll go to sleep." Said Haruto as he made his way to his room and left Junkyu with the frozen spoon on the table and also a concern of Haruto was acting weird towards him because every morning he will get a morning text from him of good morning or any nice words but today, he got none.

Jihoon as Junkyu's bestfriend is one of the people who will help him or listens to him if he has a concern.

"It's ok, my Kyu. Just give time to Haruto to figure out his true feelings for you." Said Jihoon on the phone. Jihoon is the type of guy that give his time for the people who he care about and love. For example, now, he is taking time to give advice for his best friend about his love problem.

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