Side Story - Part 1/2

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"S-senpai!" Finally, Takeshi's shout makes the two of them stop their bicker. "My opponent has to be you, Chisaya-senpai, because I want something from you."

Fuichi seems surprised for a moment until she finds back her voice. "And... that is?"

"...if I win... would you go out with me?" He asks nervously.

"WHAATT?!" Fuichi and Eizan says in unison.

"W-why so sudden? I don't even know you..." Fuichi flustered.

"But I do know you! I watched your battle in last year's Shokugeki no Legium. I know you didn't win against Saitou-senpai in the end, but... you look really awesome and elegant while you're cooking. I like you, Senpai!" He explains with enthusiast.

"Oh, uh... thank you?" Fuichi blushed from the sudden compliment. "But I-"

"BUT if you really WATCHED THAT MATCH, you should already KNEW THAT SHE IS MINE, RIGHT??" Eizan butts in *aww*.

"I-I know, but..."


"I-I just have to say it! I overheard Yukihira-kun talking to his friend about how you treated Chisaya-senpai in the past, and I'm worried you would do that again!"

"That Yukihira... why is he always causing me trouble??" Eizan facepalms. "Look, I know what I did back then is wrong, and I'm sorry for that. But I won't do anything like that again!"

Fuichi nods. "I agree with him, Takeshi-kun. I've forgiven him and trust he won't do idiot thing like that again, so no hard feeling."

Takeshi seems to ponder and takes a deep breath. "How about... at least I could go on a date once with you if I win?" He negotiates. "I..."


"Wait, Etsu-kun. It seems like he still has something to say." Fuichi cut off his yell by placing her hand on his face and squeezing it, successfully stopping him from spouting more rude comments.

"Mmmrggh!!" He still protests despite that.

"T-thank you, Chisaya-senpai. Actually, I have learnt much about yourself from your dormitory friends. Despite your lack of reaction toward food, you do really enjoy eating good food, right?"

"Well..." Damn my dorm friends for having such big mouth, is what's going on her head.

"I've thought about this plan carefully so... if I lose, I'll be giving this 5-star restaurant's ticket to you for free! I have two so you can go with whoever you want!"

Eizan quickly shook his head to break away from her grip and snarls. "You're bribing her with that punny thing? (there goes rich person) You should already know she didn't need that, brat. I could take her to whatever restaurant she wants without using those kind of ticket." Eizan takes a step toward Takeshi and gives a threatening look, making him wince.

"B-but I've worked really hard to get this ticket so I could go with someone I like! It should be... worth it!" Takeshi tries to reason.

"F*** off. Now get out of here or-"

"Fine, I accept your challenge, Takeshi-kun." Fuichi says calmly, cutting Eizan's word.

"ICHI??!" Eizan shocked by her answer while Takeshi's face is full of hope now.

"You really mean that, Chisaya-senpai??" He still doesn't believe it.

"Well, you've been doing all of that for me even though I don't know you. The least I could do is accept your shokugeki."

Eizan Etsuya x OC x Slight!Saito SoumeiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz