Chapter 88: Perfect Match

Start from the beginning

I felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders and a wave of relief washed over me. Finally. All the drama, pain and obstacles hindering me from enjoying a normal life with my wife and my family were cleared.

I pulled Kyra to my chest and kissed her temples. "It's over, baby," I breathed.

I could see Kevin being led out of the room, his head hanging low. At least he wasn't being violent and he had been mature enough to accept that his fate could not be changed no matter how many tantrums he threw.

Kyra held my hand tightly and she looked up at me with a small smile on her face. She had tears in her eyes that she tried blinking away. I couldn't decipher if they were tears of joy or grief. She looked overwhelmed and her cheeks were red. "Let's go home, please."

I nodded. "Okay."

We all stood up and Layton and I flanked Kyra as we walked out of the courtroom. As we expected, the press was present, flashing cameras in our faces and asking way too many questions all at once.

We weren't answering any questions. Everything we had to say to the public about this case had already been said prior the trial through a formal press conference.

If anything else was to be said, then it wasn't going to be either today or anytime soon. This was the part when we got a break and enjoyed our lives in privacy.

I got a glimpse of Kylie as we walked out and she waved at us with a big smile on her face, her eyes glistening with tears. Kyra waved back and I simply gave her a small smile. This was probably our last goodbye before she'd leave New York for LA for a couple of months or even years.

Kylie and I had talked about what had happened and she had justified her actions and asked for forgiveness. I held nothing against her because at the moment she had her own demons plus it wasn't exactly her fault, but I knew that I didn't want to have much to do with her anymore.

It was best for us to keep our distance and live our lives, leaving the past behind us. She was a part of my past and I didn't want to keep on holding to it. I didn't want anything that made my wife uncomfortable.

She had officially resigned from modelling due to not only her pregnancy that had already started showing, but also due to private reasons. She needed time to pick up the pieces of her life and rebuild herself plus to bond with her baby.

Her parents were willing to support her and they had suggested getting her into Hollywood since they already had an established name in the industry. If she'd work hard, she'd get the spotlight she always wanted in her life.

She had visited us the previous night, biding us farewell. We didn't have any bad blood. We simply wished each other the best and went our separate ways. This was a good break and if we'd meet again some day in life, I only hoped it'd be in good circumstances.

Our security helped us a lot to get to the car safely without facing many challenges. Kyra and I got into our black SUV and we sat down next to each other, holding hands.

"I'll give you a call, Jay. I'll see you both soon," Layton informed me.

"Sure. Thank you, Layton," I replied. He closed the door and walked away after that with his own bodyguards. There was too much commotion to have any meaningful conversation here or to talk to anyone decently at least.

The chauffeur drove off as soon as the door shut closed. Kyra moved closer to me and she buried her face in my chest. She held onto the jacket of my tailored suit and pressed her body even closer to mine.

I put my hand on her back and started drawing circles soothingly on her back. "What's wrong, baby?" I asked her, kissing her hair. "Are you crying?"

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