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(I'll Be honest the original author had a plan but I don't. I'm trying to learn how to use singular they/them pronouns properly. I headcanon ranboo's character having they/he pronouns. So if I mess up or make any mistake feel free to correct me :))

Y/n pov

We've been camping out at manberg for a few days already. There was going to be a festival soon called the winter festival. There were a lot of games and decorations being set up. The butcher army, unfortunately, escaped the village and was now in this country. They had stolen techno's weapons so what's the best way to get them back? Terrorism of course! He spawned a wither and damaged the setup for the festival.

The butcher army reluctantly handed over his sword and his ax. A mixed creature also informed techno about how the festival was a set up to kill dream. I didn't know dream, all I knew is that he did traumatize Tommy but that's about all I knew about that guy. Tommy also came and was informed of this and He looked overjoyed about dream's execution. He had taken away 2 of his lives by that time already. Who is this guy?

Tubbo had befriended the creature. Their name was ranboo. They were half enderman and half unknown. They didn't know themselves. They had memory issues. Tubbo and ranboo occasionally hung out together. Tubbo eventually wanted to rule this country.

Bee boy started the ceremony with a boring speech about stuff. And then it was time for fun. I Played multiple games like ringtoss. I was a pro at that game >:D. I wasn't a pro at trident game tho :( Quackity said that he would give away snacks but he fleed after giving them to a few people lol. Fortunately, everyone got snacks later. We played manhunt. Unfortunately, I didn't get any of the guys the bounty was on.

A dude kissed a cat lolol. But the people I knew kept disappearing at random times and then showing back up as nothing happened. I assumed it was to talk about the guy who was going to be executed. There were quite some cats and I was distracted by them so I didn't care honestly. I accidentally got an item frame called cock. Truly a masterpiece. 

That Dream guy built obsidian walls around the country. What? He said that Tommy had messed up for the last time. I was honestly confused. He'd destroyed the community house. He said that tubbo had one of Tommy's discs. What discs? However, the meeting was interrupted by a previously invisible. Tommy denied the accusations that he had done the damage and asked Tubbo to not hand over the disc. then appeared as well to say that it wasn't Tommy's fault, which Dream rebuffed by claiming that Tommy was the biggest liar on the server. Techno denied, stating that Tommy would never lie to him personally. Tubbo opened the ender chest to take the disc only for Tommy to push him away and express that Tubbo has been a bad friend despite Tubbo's belief that Tommy was the one at fault. He cited that Tubbo didn't know the terrible things that happened to him in exile and still wouldn't care now. Tommy asked Tubbo to trust him, but Tubbo replied that he did once when burned down and that he wouldn't make that mistake twice. Tubbo then took Mellohi out of his ender chest, and Tommy yelled at Tubbo, expressing that Tubbo had betrayed him. They then began a confrontation with the crowd observing:

Tommy: Tubbo you betrayed me. You know that right? You betrayed me.

Tubbo: Yeah well at least I'm not-

Tommy: Did you just get out your ax? What are you trying to...you betrayed me Tubbo.

Tubbo: I didn't betray you! You betrayed everything you had built with presidents prior.

Lost Friends (Technoblade x Male! Reader) (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora