New Introductions?

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Y/n Pov

I was going to meet techno again but this time as a stranger. This didn't feel right to me. But I had to do it, For Tubbo! I headed to their house to introduce myself. It wasn't a long walk, fortunately. I headed inside, they never minded since I came over so often. Wilbur needed help with setting up the dishes, so I helped him after we were done. Will called the family down. It took around 17 minutes just to get everyone to settle down.

So. nothing much really happened after that just eating and small talk but I briefly introduced myself to techno. "So hey, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm n/n l/n." "Cool I'm Techmoblade but you can call techno."  So that happened. I mainly just talked with Tubbs, considering I was closest to him out of all the people in this room. The days were feeling the same but with extra pressure to avoid TB sprinkled on top. yea the captives weren't really giving me any information whatsoever. I was almost ready to give up on these people.

[short update sorry have an exam tomorrow. byeeee]

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