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(Lmao transformation be like, art is made by yours truly. Yn is slowly becoming more done with life. )

Y/n Pov

Time to find the 2 idiots. I don't really have to find them, but I will die in the hands of an immortal man named philza. Truly a way to die.

Aight where could they have gone? I'll start with tubbo since he'll probably be closer to me. I got my shit together and went out to look for him. I called out his name but there was no response. Dammit. I tried the communicator (chatbox basically), no luck with tubbo but the pigman responded with his location.

So I went on an amazing journey to find my lost friend, I made many friends and enemies on the way there. I got advice from the wisest of people in our society. Jk he was like 50 blocks away from me. 1 down 1 to go.

Techno vaguely knew where tubbo was, *cough* Human GPS *cough* So I went w/ techno blade to retrieve a traumatized bee boy. The day was great :]

Lost Friends (Technoblade x Male! Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now