C H A P T E R 4 8

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But to think that the Huangtian devoured half of his soul, and he's barely living right now... Should I be happy that I can summon a mythical beast anytime in exchange for half of my soul or sad because I may die anytime?

Liu Xiao sheathed his sword and stepped back, his gaze drifting towards Wu Qingge, who wore his customary gentle smile. Approaching him, Liu Xiao stood by his side, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy as he muttered, "I feel so useless right now."

"It's fine; I'll protect Gege."

"I'll become fragile at this rate."

"It's fine."

"No, it's not. That doesn't seem manly and cool.

Wu Qingge chuckled softly and inched closer, their shoulders barely touching. Liu Xiao's discomfort grew, and he was about to shift away when Wu Qingge rested his head gently on Liu Xiao's shoulder, causing Liu Xiao's entire body to freeze up in surprise.

"What? Are you tired?" Liu Xiao asked.

"Mmn. I haven't slept since yesterday."


"I was waiting for Gege to wake up."


Liu Xiao felt guilty and let Wu Qingge rest on his shoulder. His frozen and stiff body gradually felt comfortable, and Liu Xiao heaved a soft sigh. Sleeping when there's a demon cult leader around... As expected of the protagonist.

Chen Yi, who had been keeping watch from the front, couldn't help but feel a mix of sourness and bitterness as she noticed the intimate atmosphere unfolding behind her. Despite the peril they faced in the demon mermaid's sea domain and the ongoing battle with the demon fish below, she made a conscious decision to push aside the distraction of the two lovebirds and focus solely on reinforcing the barrier.

Expanding her palm even further, she released a surge of yellow spiritual qi, which swirled and danced momentarily before solidifying and merging with the sturdy barrier. With each infusion of spiritual energy, the barrier grew stronger and more resilient.

The enhanced barrier immediately repelled the demon fish that had been relentlessly assaulting it, sending one scattering into ashes while slicing another into pieces with its newfound strength.

The once-clear waters of the vast ocean were now stained crimson with the blood of the vanquished demon fish, their brethren drawn to the scent of carnage. They wasted no time in descending upon the fallen, devouring their own kind with savage fervor.

"How disgusting," Bai Lan muttered, his lips tight with disgust as he observed the gruesome scene unfolding below.

The demon fish seemed to be driven by an insatiable hunger, resorting to cannibalism the moment their brethren fell. Soon, all that remained of the deceased demons were piles of bones scattered across the ocean floor. With their mouths dripping blood and their once-white fangs now stained a ghastly red, the remaining demon fish returned to the ship, growling menacingly at those aboard while salivating in anticipation.

Bai Lan's movements were deliberate as he raised his sword, his fingers delicately caressing its length while silver spiritual qi emanated from his fingertips, enveloping the blade in a grayish glow. With a fluid motion, he began to swing his sword, creating ethereal silver lines that hung suspended in the air. With a firm grip on the hilt, he executed a forceful horizontal swing, causing the silver lines to descend upon the drooling demon fish like a barrage of arrows.

The silver lines pierced the flesh of the demon fish, causing blood to gush forth from their wounds. Conflicted between fleeing from the onslaught and feasting on their fallen kin, the demon fish hesitated momentarily before succumbing to their insatiable hunger, descending upon the corpses with ravenous fervor.

Meanwhile, Chen Yi, her palm still outstretched as she reinforced the barrier, couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency creeping in. "The night is far from over, and the moon still looms above. We must escape this place quickly, or else we'll fall prey to the demon mermaid's transformation into a sea serpent."

The ship surged ahead, the sturdy yellow barrier still clinging to its hull. Once again, the enchanting melody of the demon mermaid echoed through the vast expanse of the silent ocean, its beauty seemingly at odds with the danger it concealed. However, the four onboard paid no heed, their focus unwavering as they confronted the demon fish relentlessly pursuing them through the water, their movements swift and agile.

Shan Ling deftly shaped her spiritual qi into small blue needles, launching them at the oncoming demon fish from below. Bai Lan traced vertical lines in the air, directing them downward with a swing of his sword. Chen Yi maintained the barrier with her outstretched palm, while Lan Yang, lacking expertise in long-range combat, remained vigilant, observing the unfolding battle.

Liu Xiao watched in awe as his companions dispatched the demon fish with remarkable skill. Recognizing their strength, he refrained from intervening, confident in Chen Yi's leadership and guidance. Since Master Mo Xian had taken Chen Yi under his wing at the age of ten, Liu Xiao had witnessed her growth firsthand; her leadership and resilience were evident even in her earlier years. Despite her formidable presence, she remained playful and affectionate with her master, a stark contrast to her tough exterior.

From her humble beginnings as a street vendor selling sugarcoated candies, Chen Yi had transformed into a formidable figure known as "The Autumn Fairy" in the cultivation world. Her ascent had been fueled by her own strength and determination, earning her admiration from many and envy from some. Yet, despite her status, she remained unapproachable, her piercing gaze and delicate features commanding respect and awe.

Alongside Wu Qingge, Chen Yi stood as a dominant force in the cultivation world, their partnership a testament to their individual prowess and unwavering resolve. As they sailed through the perilous waters of the demon mermaid's domain, their bond and determination remained unshakeable, a beacon of hope in the face of adversity.

Liu Xiao's heart twinged at the mere thought of their combined strength, envisioning them effortlessly besting haughty cultivators and reigning supreme atop the mountain peak. If he had persisted in his antagonism towards Wu Qingge five years prior, he would now be relegated to gazing up at the duo from the depths below, a mere spectator to their ascension.

His bitter musings were abruptly interrupted as a surge of panic washed over him, draining the color from his face. With a sudden jolt, he leaped to his feet, momentarily forgetting about the slumbering figure of Wu Qingge resting against him.


The urgency in Liu Xiao's cry seized the attention of his companions, their eyes swiftly following his gaze.

A colossal tentacle, as vast as the roof of Mount Hua Peak's grand hall, loomed menacingly overhead, poised to descend upon them like a merciless hammer crushing a tiny insect.

As Shan Ling, Bai Lan, and Lan Yang recoiled in shock, they instinctively raised their hands to bolster Chen Yi's barrier. Their combined spiritual energies melded with Chen Yi's own, weaving a tapestry of vibrant colors—silver, blue, and green—that shimmered like a radiant pearl in the distance.

Despite their efforts, the monstrous appendage breached the barrier, crashing down upon the ocean's surface with a resounding impact. A powerful gust of wind buffeted the ship backward, forcing them to brace themselves against the onslaught. And there, looming ominously before them, was a colossal ocean-blue octopus, its writhing tentacles and piercing gaze fixated on the tiny vessel below.

Chen Yi's eyes widened. "This is one of the sea kings of the ocean."

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His Meihua Swan | 他的大天鵝 (BL)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz