|50| Who Are You?

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing here?" You finally asked though you couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over you upon seeing him safe and sound.

"I came to pick you up," he simply said.

"Huh? Who's this?" You then heard Kayano ask as the rest of the group approached you.

You slowly turned around and faced your friends. Now that you thought about it... only Karma, Nakamura and Nagisa knew about your brother and that was only because you had opened up to them about your family's appearances. The others, Sugino, Kanzaki and Kayano, didn't even know of his existence...

"This is... my brother, Akiro," you introduced him a bit awkwardly.

"You have a brother?!" Kayano and Sugino shrieked, their eyes popping out of their heads as their jaws hit the ground.

"Ye-Yeah," you sweatdropped and sent them a nervous smile.

Karma was the first one to speak up as he took a step forward and extended his hand.

"Nice to meet ya~" he greeted in that carefree voice of his.

The two of them shook hands as you only stared in silence. Karma's sharp mercury eyes stared straight into your brother's blood red ones, a small smirk tugging the corners of his lips as your brother's brow furrowed slightly.

Well this was weird...

Once the introductions were out of the way, you quickly waved goodbye to your friends and followed your brother outside the school gates.

"The chauffeur is going to pick you up, right?" He asked.

You arched an eyebrow in surprise. Really? He wasn't going to address the elephant in the room? Well, you could play that game too.

"Yes," you replied rather dryly, "he's over there." You then pointed at the black car with tinted windows.

Akiro simply nodded his head and, much to your surprise, marched straight towards the car, his strut full of confidence. He soon reached the driver's side, knocked on the window and once the chauffeur had rolled it down, your brother then casually started talking to him. After a few minutes, Akiro opened the door to the passenger's seat and got inside.

Your mouth was agape as you watched the chauffeur turn the car engine on and drive to where you currently were.

"Come on, get inside," your brother nudged you.

"What are you doing?" You furrowed your brow, not wanting to follow his orders until you got an explanation.

"Miss, please get inside, we're disturbing the other cars," the chauffeur then said so you had no other option but to comply.

Huffing, you opened the door and reluctantly did as you were told.

Why was your brother taking this so lightly? Hadn't he realized how much grief and stress he had caused not only you but the whole family?! And why did he refuse to even talk about it? It was the least he could do...

The ride there was completely silent. Neither of you tried to spark a conversation. Your brother even played with the radio for a while until he found the station he liked.

Throughout the whole ride, your eyes were glued to your brother, your brow furrowing as you tried to understand what game he was playing.

"We're here," the chauffeur announced and pulled over.

You were about to exit the car until you took notice of your surroundings. You weren't home. You had been so busy trying to understand your brother's behaviour that you hadn't paid any attention to where you were going.

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