38.Whatever Happens

462 8 80

Thx to moodwriter05 for some of the set list suggestions

3 hours until gig
Everyone is getting ready in their separate rooms. Flynn came back from her trip and is helping Julie out with her outfit. Alex is trying to look his best tonight because he invited Jacob to watch the bands last performance together. Alex is pacing the floor changing outfits over and over again muttering to himself overthinking. Julie hears him talking to himself and throwing g things all over his room and knocks on the door.

Julie : hey Lex? Can I come in?

Alex : yeah yeah sure come in

Julie walks in to see Alex throwing stuff out of his closet and onto the floor.

Julie : What's wrong?

Alex : I invited Jacob to the gig tonight and I wanna look as best as possible to impress him and nothing feels right.

Julie : Lex just wear whatever you feel comfortable in to a gig. It doesn't have to be over the top Jacob will like you for you and your drumming skills

Alex : Thx Jay now you better go finish getting ready yourself

Julie : right almost forgot

2 hours til gig

Julie is in her room and is now doing her makeup while Flynn does her hair.

Julie : Flynn I don't know if I'm ready for this

Flynn : what do you mean Jules? I didn't cut my vacay short just for y'all to get stage fright on a tiny little gig.

Julie : I meant really saying goodbye to the band

Flynn : oh I see. I mean the three of you could still preform together

Julie : it wouldn't be the same without Luke. Not just his vocals and guitar but the personality he brings to the band

Flynn : I get that Jules really but you've got to move on. I'm your best friend so I'll be honest. In two days Luke will just be a boy from the past we all have them. So it's best to not get all hung up on him leaving and just enjoy tonight as one last hurrah for you guys.

Julie : I guess you're right

Flynn : I always am now ima go check on Reggie

Flynn leaves to go downstairs to Reggies room and knocks. Reggie opens the door shirtless and scrabbles all over his room

Flynn : what are you looking for babe?

Reggie : I can't find my black v neck or my new blue flannel have you seen it?

Flynn : umm about those sorry

Flynn takes goes to her book bag that she left in his room earlier and pulls out both of Reggies missing clothing items. She hands them over and Reggie smiles and rolls his eyes

Reggie : Thanks love

Flynn : No problem

In Luke's room he's already finished getting ready and is just tuning his guitar and humming to himself

Luke mumbling to himself :
And I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I broken
Oh, cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

Alex : it's killing you isn't it

Luke : I don't wanna talk about it. I haven't even talked to her about what happened yesterday at the beach. I just wanna get this over with

The Good Girl and The Bad Boy - Juke jatpTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon