34. How Could I?

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Luke's POV

She pauses and her lip quivers as if she's about to have a meltdown. She takes a deep breath before continuing.

Jules : Since junior year is practically over and summers about to start I think the best way to help you is to send you away.

My eyes widen

Me : w-what?

Jules : in order to get your anger to go down you need time away from here ... and from me....

Me : so your scared of me?

Jules : NO no of course not but I don't want to be the reason you don't get help. I'll be fine on my own and the boys will be here with me. But I want you to get the happiness you deserve and to do that I have to be out of the picture.

Me : so we're breaking up?

Jules : Not for long just hopefully while your away so you can focus on getting better.

Me : where am I going?

Jules : My dad said that his uncle has a place in New Jersey that helps with bipolar disorders , anger issues and drug problems. It'll be good for you and he's very sweet I promise.

Me : so im moving all the way across the country from you and the boys by myself? How could I leave them? Leave you? No im not going I CANT.

I slam my fist which causes Jules to jump. I scared her. How could I? I sit in silence on the floor and cry softly to myself.

Jules : See that's what I mean. You cant stay like this. I already booked you a flight for next week. I don't want you to go but it's what's best for you. We have to move on.

Jules leans down and kisses the top of my head.

Jules : you cant use my song as your coping mechanism anymore. It's not healthy. We have a week to be together with the boys we should make the most of it instead of crying okay?

I sniffle a bit before looking up at her. She's crying too now. I know she really doesn't want me to leave I don't either that's for sure. But we both know it's the only way to get my head screwed back on.

Me : Do the boys know?

Jules : Alex does I havent had the heart yet to tell Reggie.

Me : I think we should I want him to know so we have more time all together.

Jules : okay

Third person POV

Luke and Jules head downstairs to find Reggie with their hearts in their hands. As usual , Reggies outside playing with his butterflies and eating a slice of deep dish pizza. They both chuckled softly and shook their heads at the boy. Their smiles turned to frowns once again and they walked up to Reggie.

Luke : hey Reg

Reg : oh sup Luke , lil sis

Jules : um can we talk to you for second?

Reg : yeah sure

Reggie puts his butterfly jar down on the ground and puts his pizza back on the plate. He turns to give the others his full attention since he could tell this was serious.

Luke : okay so I'm just gonna keep it short. Basically I have to leave next week in order to get help for my anger issues and go to a place Jules's uncle works at for a bit.

Reg : oh okay is that all?

The other two were shocked at his reaction. It took them a minute before Jules began speaking.

Jules : you're not upset?

Reg : I mean yeah a little I'm gunna miss him but he needs the help and he's only going for like a week right. We'll still have the summer to spend with him.

That tore a crack in Luke's heart. It really made him realize that this isnt just a simple vacation and that he's basically going to rehab.

Luke : No Reg I'm leaving next week and staying there until the end of August.

Now reg understood and Luke saw the reaction he expected. Reg looked like his whole world was just striped away from him. He looked more crushed then he did when he broke up with Flynn. His skin turned white with specks of red of his rosey cheeks and his eyes were motionless.

Reg : oh.

Jules : There's one more thing we have to tell you. We can't contact Luke at all while he's away and by the end of the week we've decided to break up.

Reg : N-no I want to contact him and the end of Juke? This can't happen!

Reggie starts bailing and runs off with Luke calling after him and chasing him. Eventually, Luke tackles Reggie to the ground and pins him down with his arms.

Reg : Luck what the actual fuck man?!

Luke : well I needed you to stop running and start listening. I know this is hard on you it is for me too but I promise we'll make the best out of it in the week we haave left all together.

Reg : alright i can handle that now would ya oh I don't know get oh off me?

Luke : oh right sorry buddy

Luke gets off reg and helps him up while Julie comes walking down.

Jules : hey everything okay over here?

Reg : no not really Luke hurt me

Jules : -gasp- LUUCK!

Luke gulps and before he tries to run for his life Julie throws him to the ground and holds her arm to his throat but not hard enough to kill him. Reg is in the background smirking at the sight for two reasons. For one , Julies kicking Luke's ass and two he gets t he sense of normalcy that everything is like before all the bad shit that screwed everything up happened. Reg thinks silently to himself.

Reg thoughts : a week left of group stuff we need to make it worth our while. And I can't let Juke be broken up there's got to be something that I can do. Alex will help he's got to.

That's it for this chapter. Please no one kill me for this I promise it will turn out better ...... or worse not sure yet hehe.

Til next time
-Peyton 💖

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