23. Dad Convo with a surprise

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Alex's POV
Dad wanted to speak to Reg and I before dinner for some reason. It stills feels weird calling Ray Dad now but it's a good weird. I love my new family and couldn't ask for a better one. Reg and I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the counter.

Reg : What's up Dad

Alex : What's going on

Ray : Hi boys I wanted to ask you a few things about Mr.Patterson

Alex : what would you like to know

Ray : How was he like before you guys formed the band?

Reg : Well to say the least Dad , we all had drinking and smoking problems due to our stress from our families. We were all also trouble markers for the same reason.

Alex : But then we found Julie again and she helped us find our way back to our happier selves and we quit all the horrible choices that includes Luke especially.

Reg : He was the one to push the three of us to quit and with help from Jules we were able to.

Ray : well I'm aware of then seeing each other and I've told Julie I'm okay with it but being that Luke's a older guy and for his history I'm still worried he might take things too far

Alex : Dad listen , Luke is the best thing for Julie and he would never pressure her ever. He even asks permission still just to kiss her cheek. After what happened he always wanted to make sure he was safe and the point here is she is safe with him

Reg : And plus being her older brothers if we didn't like them together then we would've kept them apart. But ever since they met each other as kids , we all knew nothing could keep them apart

Ray : Alright that's good now if you two don't mind I'd like a word with Mr Patterson

Alex : Sure will get him

Reg : Bye Dad!

Ray : Bye see you for dinner love you mijos

Us : Love you too

Luke's POV
Okay I'm terrified. Ray is a great dad but he still manages to scare me. I hope whatever he's going to talk to me about will be good news.

Me : You wanted to see me Ray?

Ray : Yes sit down son

Me : okay

Ray : You remember our deal correct when you and Julie started dating?

Me : Yes sir

Ray : Especially after the Nick and Justin situation your still not pressing her are you?

Me: Of course not sir. Jules is my everything I proudly simp for her

Ray : Simp?

Me : Nevermind. The point is I've loved her since the day we met in first grade. I would never ever do anything that would hurt her or that she wasn't comfortable with.....she's my future wife after all

I saw a bright smile spread across Rays face. Shit he heard that last part

Ray : Wife? Wow you do love her

Me : Of course I do

Ray : Well as long as you two don't get married too fast maybe stick to prom first , then your alright in my book

Me : Thank you Ray

Ray : Now you better go I think a special someone has something planned for you in the garage.

As soon as he said that I ran to the garage with a goofy smile on my face. When I opened the doors I couldn't believe my eyes. There were fairy lights everywhere and my princess in the center

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