12.Known all along

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Luke's POV
Jules : how did that get here?

Jules and I stand together confused as hell as we look at the wall. I walked over it and waved my hand over the writing.

Jules Molina and Lukey Patterson 2013

Jules : Lukey? How can this be here? Last time I checked we were the only ones with those nicknames and last names.

Me : I'm just as confused Jules come here look

She steps closer and waves her hand over the writing just like I did before.

Jules : 2013? If i did the math right we would've been in third grade
Me : but we could've known each other back then...could we?
Jules : I don't know this is kinda freaking me out
Me : your cute when you freak out tho
Me : oh okay

I pout giving her my famous unstoppable puppy eyes that I know she can't resist. We may have only been dating for an hour or so but I can read her like a book. And then it hit me.

Me : Jules remember the night of the party where we told each other we had this feeling we've known each other for entire lives but we never knew why?

Jules : yes why?

Me : well maybe we did know each other for most of our lives and we just kind of forgot because we ran in different circles or something


??? : well maybe you can darling

We heard a voice from behind us so we turned around and we saw a bit bright light. Then someone stepped out of the light and when Jules saw them she was in tears and ran towards them

Jules : Mom?! Is that really you?!
Rose : yes mija I'm a ghost and your guardian angel. Hello Luke
Me : uh uh hi?
Rose : you both are probably wondering why I said that you could remember and how I am here right now correct?
Jules and I : YES

Rose : okay so this is what happened....When You two were younger, You were best friends and completely inseparable. At the time Luke had a big crush on Julie but never really admitted to it. you guys got so close and never wanted to leave each others side. However when I died Julie felt depressed and sad all the time so I was given the ability to remove your memories of each other when you were younger So you can start over again in sometime in the future and Julie could find that happiness and Luke again for performing without me. No matter how hard I tried to make you to forget each other completely you had such a bond That you could slightly remember each other without knowing why. And as your connection towards each other grew recently I was given the chance to be your guardian angel Julie and since you both touched the engraving you guys put there I was able to come back to tell you all this and if you want me to I can give back your memories.

Me : okay wow that's a lot to take it
Jules : yeah no kidding
Me : I knew you seemed familiar how could I ever forget your beautiful smile and curls
Jules : *blushing* and how could I forget your gorgeous puppy eyes

We kissed and gave each other a hug and when we broke apart Rose was standing there smiling.

Rose : I always knew you guys would end up together. Ray said I was crazy but I saw it.

We all laughed until Rose spoke again

Rose : so? Do you want your full memories back?
Rose : okay here

Rose pulls out a ball of light into her hand and throws in directly into Jules head and afterwards did the same to me. After a couple seconds it all came back. The day we met , our play dates , the marking of the wall , the gifts we gave each other and best of all my feelings for her grew stronger.

The Good Girl and The Bad Boy - Juke jatpNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ