9. Joining her band

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Julies POV
It has been 2 weeks since Luke and I shared that beautiful moment together. I miss being in his arms and him kissing my forehead. HE KISSED ME , WE KISSED! Anyway I'm heading to music but I'm a little late because I lost track of time thinking about Lukey.

Mrs.H : Well Julie this is a surprise. You're usually the first one here
Me : I know I'm sorry I lost track of time
Mrs. H : Well you were late for a half hour you will have detention today and you have to sit next to Mr Patterson for today.
Me : Okay Mrs.H

I tried to hold back the smile as I sat down next to Luke. I looked over and he gave me a wink and that adorable goofy smile.

Lukey : Well what do ya know Ms Molina has a bad side
Me : Oh please it's only one detention pretty boy
Lukey : oh so your think im pretty 😏
Me : don't get your hopes up

I saw him start to pout and I couldn't help it but chuckle which made him smile again.

Lukey : hey I wanted to ask you something later with the boys
Me : okay sounds cool how about in detention
Lukey : ok first we gotta get one
Me : should be simple for you
Lukey : well you don't gotta be so mean about it

I laugh as he gets up and goes over to Reggie and Alex. Even though I barely know Reggie and Alex I can tell they are nice brother like boys.

Luke's POV
I walked over to the boys and tapped on their shoulders. They turned to look up at me and I pointed my thumb to the door to give them a sign to follow me.
They get the memo and head outside a couple seconds after me.

Alex : What's up Luke haven't talked to you in a while
Reg : That's cause he's been with Julie 😏
Me : I wanted to talk to you guys about her actually
Alex and Reg : Oh my god are you two dating CALLED IT
Me : WHaT no. I wanna to ask you guys if we could ask Julie to join the band. Come on she has a killer voice and amazing piano playing skills.
Alex : Yea that's cool she is really good
Reg : And you guys oozed chemistry at the gig t he other day
Alex : you should never say ooze again but he's right it's good for the band
Reg : ooze

Alex gives Reggie a death stare and we all laugh

Me : yes thanks guys alright we'll ask her in detention but first we have to get one
Alex : that should be easy we are naturals
Reg : Damn straight
Me : I have an idea

I tell them the idea and we all nod and head back into the classroom. Here goes nothing.

Me : Hey teach
Mrs H : Yes mr Patterson
Sunset Curve : You're an asshole

Mrs H was in shock as I looked at everyone trying not to pass out from laughing. And in the middle was my girl giggling , besides her singing was the best sound I ever wanted to hear

Mrs H : You boys all have detention today hope you're happy
Me : Very much so yes
I wink at Jules making her face turn pink. Please say yes please

Julie POV
When class was over I went to my locker to find Carrie , Willie and Flynn was all confused faces on.

Me : Hey guys
Flynn : dont hey guys us! Don't you realize that you got detention today?!
Me : uh yeah so?
Willie : this coming from the Julie Molina would freaks out if she has sloppy hand writing?
Me ; yea it's just one detention
Carrie : sweetie who have you become?
Me : let's just say I wanted to loosen up a little bit
Flynn : oh no are Luke and you dating?
Me : No me and lukey are not dating
Carrie : you gave him a nickname?!


Me : yea it's we're friends Care he gave me one too
Willie : Where's the Bible?
Me : haha very funny how excuse me but I have somewhere to be. Bye guys

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