10. Julie and The Phantoms

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Luke's POV
So much has happened already. We have a new band , we have a gig for the band , we practically live in Jules garage and speaking of Jules .... IM FALLING FOR HER! But it's too soon to date her we've only known each other for a couple weeks now. But still I lie awake at night thinking about the wonderful time we had together that one Friday night and how much I missed her being in my arms.

Away Julie and I are in the studio writing a song for the band and every so often I lost focus playing with her hair.

Jules : okay so I think I should start off and the piano for the first verse and then you guys come in during the chorus sound good?
Me : mhm
Jules : I also think we could add in some alien vocals
Me : yeah sounds great
Jules : LUKEY

I jump at the sound of her yelling. I fell off the piano bench and when I tried getting up I hit my head on the piano

Jules : oh no lukey are you hurt? Come over here I'll get an ice pack

She brings me over to my couch and leaves to get the ice pack. I call it my couch because I brought in the from our apartment cause it's didnt fit there and the only person allowed on it is me. Well and Jules whenever she wants to sit on it. She comes back with ice small ice pack in her hand and sits down on my couch and presses it on my head.

Jules : there how's that?
Me : Perfect , you're perfect
Jules : I am?
Me : Of course Jules
Jules : Can we do something together Luke?
Me : Anything Jules anything at all
Jules : when we get to the bridge can we share a mic?
Me : of course Jules
Jules : yay!
Me : Hey Jules?
Jules : Yes Lukey
Me : Could I do something right now and promise me that you won't freak out.
Jules : what do you mea-

I cut off by pulling her towards me and smashing my lips into hers. She has kissed me once before but this time was different. It felt more real , as Reggie would say more chemistry. She starts getting into it and eventually starts to sit on me. Once she realized what she was doing she got off and pulled away putting her hands on her face which was crimson red.

Jules : oh my god I am so sorry idk what came over me. I wanna disappear
Me : Jules...

I grasp her chin and lift her hand so she's looking at me.

Me : there's nothing to apologize for
Jules : are you sure?
Me : yes
Jules : in that case

Jules puts her hand on my neck and kisses me again. I can't say this enough... this girl is my everything and I can't live without her touch. I pull away and look at her

Me : Jules?
Jules : Yes Lukey?
Me : Um after the gig will you um can we um go on a date?
Jules : Yss yes we can go on a date!
Me : yay okay we have to get back to work now
Jules : ugh okay

Time skip
We finished the song it's call Finally Free and the boys came in to rehearse. We were all jamming out until the bridge where Julie grabbed her mic and walked up to me. We shared the mic and then she walked back. I looked at the corner of my eye seeing the boys giving each other a look. What dorks

Time Skip To the gig
We get to the gig and start setting up. Then Julie introduces us and the boys and I walk off stage into the wings. Jules begins her solo and then we pop up back on stage to join her

At the end Jules hit a falsetto note that we didn't rehearse and my god was it gorgeous. I couldn't help but smile like a complete dork at this girls amazing talent. (It's the face he makes at the near the end of the video) This girl has more talent in her pinky than all of the guys combined. I'm so lucky to know her and go on a date with her! Me a date with the perfect girl! I already had everything set up and ready for after the show. All I had to do was change. I really hope she'll like it.

Woo another chapter finished! How do you think the date will go? Only time will tell.
As always til next time!

-Peyton 💖

The Good Girl and The Bad Boy - Juke jatpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora