15. The Night She'll Never Forget Part 1

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I decided to post Part 1 now do I could build suspense or whatever for part 2

Warning ⚠️ this chapter mentions under age drinking and smoking. If you are not comfortable reading then I suggest skipping this chapter and the next one coming after it.
This was the warning ⚠️
On with the chapter

Julies POV
Flynn and I are going to a party today. I don't really wanna go because I don't drink or anything but Flynn says I should "live a little". To make me feel better I'm asking the boys and especially my boyfriend to tag along so I feel more safe.


Me : hey guys

Luke : hey princess

Luke got up from his seat to kiss me and lead me back to his couch to sit down with him and the others

Reg : Hey Julie!

Alex : What's up Julie?

Me : um so Flynn forcing me to go to this party and I wanted to know if you guys could tag along to make me feel safer.

Luke : of course Jules. We don't smoke anymore and we barely drink anymore so we'll be there for you no matter what

Reg : Yeah as your big brother I'll protect you

Alex : And as your gay best friend and your other older brother I'll protect you as well

Me : thanks guys I love you

I grab them all and pull them into a giant group hug

The boys : we love you too Julie more than life.

Luke : what time are we accompanying you

Me : 7:30 at latest. I better go get dressed now Flynn should be here by now.

Boys : okay Julie see you then

Luke : love you princess

Luke kisses me on the cheek and I got up from his couch and went back into the house to get ready.

Julies Room with Flynn

Me : Flynn I'm not wearing that!

Flynn : come on Julie you'll look amazing and I bet Luke would thank me

I blushed at the mention of Luke so I caved

Me : ok whatever give me it

Flynn hands me the outfit and I went into the bathroom to change. Once I finished I took a good look at myself. Dear god I look like a prostitute

Me : I hate you

Flynn : what do you mean you look great Luke will love it

Me : if you say so

Me : if you say so

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