8.The Night of Gig Part 2

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Lukes POV
Me : how much time do you have before you need to go home?
Julie : Un about 2 hours why?
Me : I wanna take you somewhere....

My connection with Jules is so much stronger now to the point where I want to show her everything especially my place. I gently grabbed her hand and we got of the roof heading out to the front door and into my car. As I'm driving I look over to her picking at her fingers. She always finds a way to make everything she does adorable.

We keep driving for about 10 minutes and then we're here. I take her hand and we walk to my favorite place to be alone or at least not anymore.

Jules : Lukey where are we?
Me : We're in an alleyway
Jules : I can see that but why are we here?

I could feel her grip tighten in my hand as if she's scared. I give her a peck of her forehead and suddenly she loosens her hand a bit and smiles up at me

Me : Jules this is the place I always go for when I feel alone or just want a cool down. The boys know about this place but they never knew why and the only person I want to tell is you
Jules : Awe Lukey go ahead I promise not to tell anyone if you don't want me too
Me : Ever since middle school , the band was my life I never payed attention to anything else until I came here. I was in 8th grade at the time when I started to hear a beautiful voice which always found a way to calm me whenever I was stressed. I realized that day that whoever was singing would be my soulmate. But none of that matters because I realize that was a fantasy and you are my reality.

Tears started streaming down Jules face as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. We brake away from the hug when she speaks.

Jules : it's kinda funny huh?
Me : what Jules? *I say playing with her hair*
Jules : all my life I was a good girl who played by the rules and who's only had one boyfriend who ended up cheating on her. being a good girl kinda made me think I could never fall for bad boy but here I am
Me : s-so what your saying is you're falling for me?
Jules : yea I guess I am
Me : Funny. All my life I have toyed with girls hearts never actually wanting a relationship and everything was about music. Who would've thought that I could fall for a goodie two shoes

We both chuckled and I look into her eyes. She is the best thing that I've ever asked for. But then all good things have to be ruined.

Nick : ay Patterson get ur hands off my girlfriend!
Nick slapped Jules across the face making her fall. My blood was boiling but first I wanted make sure she was okay before I kicked his ass.

Me : Jules are you okay did that bastard hurt you?!
Jules : yea it hurts but I'll be okay

I give her a kiss on the forehead and turns towards Nick. That piece of shit is going to die today.

Before he could talk I punch him hard across the face making him stumble. I push him to the ground and begin beating the shit out of him. As he lied on the ground I got up and wiped my fists off and picked him up by his shirt.

Me : If you ever come near her again or even look at her your a dead man got it.? Same thing goes for every other girl you talk to like that or hit.

I drop him back down on the ground and take Jules to the beach across the street. We sat there is silence for a bit until she finally spoke.

Jules : Thank you Lukey you really protected me there
Me : of course Jules anything for you
Jules : that was kinda hot to be honest
Me *turning red* : what was that
Jules turns red too : oh no did I say that out loud gah.
Me : it's alright Jules come here

I wrap my arm around her and she puts  her head on my chest as we stare out to the ocean. This girl is my everything there's nothing I wouldn't do for her.

AHHH TOO CUTE!!!! What do y'all think? Should they start they're relationship or still have unofficial cute moments together? I have a few ideas up my sleeve that I think y'all are gunna love!!!
Til next time!

- Peyton 💖

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