Adrien couldn't understand what was happening, the figure looked at him with a murderous glare. Suddenly, everything disappeared as he was blinded by the light. Soft whispering sounded in his ear, undecipherable.

Adrien tried hard to stay focused, trying to understand them. But it was no use.

Then he was in a room with wooden furniture, there wasn't a lot of light. The only light which came was from a small window.

Slowly, Adrien looked outside to see a beautiful garden. Then he heard the Whispers again except this time, it was louder, almost as if someone had said them.

He looked behind him to see an old man, Master Fu???
But it didn't seem so, as this man was slightly taller and was looking even older, if that was possible.

He tried to speak, but nothing came out. He extended his hand, but the scenery dissolved.

Then he woke up.

Adrien felt a shiver go down his spine, as he recalled the murderous glare in his eyes. It seemed so real as if it has happened before. But he knew that he had never been in a situation like that. And even if it was true, then why wasn't Paris white.

Did he get an upgrade in his powers like Ladybug did? Though that didn't seem like the correct answer.

For days, he had heard the whispering in his ear. The same sounds echoing through his ears with different scenarios.

It seemed important, but he wasn't able to understand them.

But there was something new today , who was that old man.

Adrien stepped out of the shower and grabbed his towel. Gently, he dried his golden locks and patted himself dry.
The only good thing which came from the dream was that he had been able to hear his mother's voice again.

He grabbed a small box of concealer and expertly applied it over his dark circles, effectively hiding them from view.


Adrien sat on a long empty table, silently eating his breakfast, as Natalie briefed him on his schedule.

Adrien absent-mindedly poked his food, getting tired just by listening to his busy day forward. Then his ears perked up.

"Wait a minute, Natalie. You said I have a photoshoot in an hour, but what about school?"

"You aren't going to attend school today, Adrien, your father changed your schedule."

"Of course he did." Adrien grumbled. "Will he be here for dinner today?" He asked, hopefully.

"I'm afraid not, he has a business meeting." Natalie lied, very well knowing what Gabriel was going to do with his free time.

A sad smile graced his lips as he said, "It's okay, Natalie, I understand."

Natalie smiled sadly at the young boy, knowing how difficult it was for him to grow up without his mother and a mostly absent father, who didn't mind gracing his son with a sweet visit. 


"Yes, Adrien."

"You look well now." Adrien said and lightly smiled. She had been unwell for the past year, he had noticed.

But in the past month, she had made an immense recovery and was as efficient as she was before falling ill.

He was almost afraid, afraid of losing her too. Though he had never gotten the answer to his question about her illness, he was happy that she was recovering. 

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