Chapter 22

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Hi guys. I'm back and I need to tell you guys some bad news and need your votes. The bad news is........ (drumroll).............................................................................................................................. I might be ending this book in a few chapters............................................................. jk. I will tell you when but I think I will end this book. Do  you want me to continue or make a sequel? Its all up to you guys. Please vote comments and like this chappie and I really hope you guys enjoy.


Lucy POV

We found out that it was reading a job that changed the dragonslayers into I their differnet genders. Somehow, it inflicted the other dragon slayers that were not around. I wonder if I should reveal my identity soon. They all look really sad, because they think that I left them and it was their fault. I'll ask Erza why she feels so down. I got up from my seat at the bar and walked of to Erza who was (surprisingly) pushing away her strawberry cake. I took a seat next to her and said, "Hey, what's up Erza, or should I say what's down."

Erza POV

I sighed as I pushed my "going to eat" strawberry cake. The new member, Ara, came and sat next to me. "Hey, what's up Erza, or should I say what's down." I sighed. Ara seemed like the person to make me happy when I'm feeling down and help me solve my problems. She seemed so much like Lucy, in a way. She was the light in our guild, and I am at fault. "You seem so much like Lucy, everytime I see you its like you pull me from the sadness thats lurking in my heart. She was the light of our guild, until....... she...left." She sighed, then smiled. "I'm sure she'll return one day and forgive you." "Really?" "Yeah" Ara said.

"Here, come and follow me. I wanna show you something very important that can change your whole life, misery, sadness and pain." Ara said, mentioning me to follow her outside of the guild.

She led me to Lucy's old apartment. Why?

Lucy POV

I led Erza to my old apartment. I looked around and saw Erza with a Why are we here????? face. I teleported us inside and I turned around to face her. I took my disguise off. I heard her gasp.

Erza POV

*GASP* "L-Lucy? Is that really you?" I asked. She replied back with a small smile and wave. "LLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and bone crushed her in a  ginourmous hug. "Ahh, M-my B-bones Erza. Watch out for the bones." Lucy said.

After that scene, we talked for about 6 - 7 hours and then headed back to the guild with a smile on my face. "Should I reveal my self to the rest of the guild?" Lucy asked out of the blue when we reached the guild doors. "I think you should, they've been waiting for you for 7 years and they're all sad and depressed." I answered. "Maybe..."


How did you guys like this chappie? Please tell me if I should make a sequel or not. Thank you again for reading my book :)

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