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It was only a couple of hours before Clay had driven me back to my grandparents house. As we pulled in, got out, and then walked up to the door I got nervous. What the hell were my grandparents going to think having this random man show up dropping me off? We knock on the door anyway and my grandpa answers.

"Oh good evening Y/n. Oh? Who is this?"

I glance over to Clay and he looks to me.

"Um this is Clay. He's a friend I met online that lives here. I woke up late and needed someone to talk to so I went to him."

My grandpa nods his head a little.

"Alright. Thank you for bringing her home! I very appreciate you supporting her."

Clay looked over to my grandpa and made a couple steps towards him.

"Sir I want to tell you that I'm sorry for your loss. I also want to tell you that I'm always here for your granddaughter and your family."

He smiled a bit and nodded his head.

"Thank you Clay I appreciate it."

Clay turned to me.

"I'm going to get going Y/n. Please get some good sleep I know you haven't been lately."

I nod my head and hug Clay.

"Thank you. Sorry for waking you up this late."

He shakes his head.

"No problem always here for you. Also goodnight sir."

He then takes his leave back to his car and pulls out of the driveway and makes his way down the street. I look over to my grandpa after he's gone.

"Come on you look like you need some sleep kiddo."

He rustles my hair and we both walk into the house. I honestly expected him to be more confused and mad that I was with Clay, but I was pleasantly surprised. As I walked into the house and my grandpa and I parted ways to our rooms I felt a buzz come from my phone. It was Tom. I thought that maybe it was a good time to tell him everything especially if he would be here in a week.

I opened my texts and he said "Hey Y/n I know you are probably asleep, but I wanted to check up on you." I smiled a bit and reply back "thank you for checking on me. I actually want to call you and tell you some things. FaceTime me when you can." it wasn't long before he replied with "sure thing!" I then got a FaceTime message.

"Y/n!!! Why are you up so late?!"

I giggle a little bit have a somber look on my face.

"I um had a panic attack... and sort of ran to Clays house at 12:00am or so haha..."

There was a clear confusion on Toms face.

"Wait huh?! Back up. There is so many things going on and I have so many questions."

I sigh a bit. It was time to fess up everything.

"So um Tom..."

I proceeded to explain everything to Tom in detail. About my mom, moving to Florida, and the incident not to long ago. As I was done talking I heard sniffles.

"Y/n... I... I'm so sorry..."

I also began to tear up seeing Tom so distraught.

"It's okay Tom there's nothing that you could have done."

He raised his voice a bit.

"I could have been there more..."

I sniffle a bit, but I feel safe in a ways. I was relieved that Tom knew.

"Tom it'll be okay. I just wanted to tell you. Of all people you deserved to know."

He looked straight at me.

"Y/n I'm extremely glad you told me. A little jealous you told Dream first, but nonetheless happy. I will always be here to support you and love you."

I felt tears fun down my face as I started to smile. I know I've said it so many time, but he is just perfect.


Tom didn't spend much longer on the phone with be due to the fact that I needed sleep. We did though discuss what would have to change about his plans to come here. A new flight was booked for the same date and now he was even more excited to come in hopes of also meeting Nick and Clay.

When our call ended I fell asleep peacefully. I needed at least some sleep if I was going to be bombarded by Tom in the next coming week. When I woke up it was late in the day, I felt a little bad for my grandparents because they would have to deal with my messed up schedule.

I walked down the hall into the kitchen and my grandma stood there making pancakes. She smiled to me once she noticed my presence and so I sat down. I bet by now grandpa had told her what went on last night and I was in for a treat.

"Good afternoon Y/n! How did you sleep?"

I played with my hands a bit embarrassed about just running away to Clays house last night.

"I'm alright Grandma..."

She giggled a bit.

"So who was the fine gentleman man who brought you home last night?"

I froze a bit. I really didn't want to explain everything in detail about Clay, but if I was gonna be here a while it wasn't worth keeping it a secret. So I began to explain to my grandma how I met Clay, who he was, what he has done for me. By the time I was done explaining my grandma seemed pleased.

"Y/n darling he seems like a lovely friend."

I nod my head and maybe got a little to excited as I now started to blab about Tom.

"Oh you will also get to meet my boyfriend Tom soon!"

She looked at me confused and then I remembered that I hadn't told her of my previous plans.

"Oh... um by the way he's coming from the UK and could be possibly stay here for the week he's coming?"

There was more confusion, but it moved to a soft look on her face.

"That's no problem dear. Tell me a bit about him!"

Instead of a bit I ended up telling my grandma almost everything. I think she just enjoyed listening to me being passionate about someone. After I had finished all she did was giggle at how happy I was.

"Y/n please stay like this forever. Be as happy as you are right now forever. Your friends and boyfriend sound lovely and I can tell you love them a lot. I'm very proud of you."

I smile brightly up at my grandma. It felt good to know that she was proud of me. It also felt great that everything was going to work out when Tom got here.

Yoooooo I fell asleep late last night while I was writing and that is the reason that there was no chapter last night. Since I'm posting this so early this morning I will try to shimmy in another chapter today.

Poggers... (TommyInnit x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora