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I woke up this morning still sat at my desk. I wasn't very surprised that I was able to pass out there, I had done this many of time before. To finally get up for the day I got up and walked into my bathroom to take a shower when I glanced in the mirror. I sighed a bit then laughed as I had an imprint of my keyboard on my face.

After I was done with my shower I checked my phone. There was so many messages from Tommy telling me 'goodnight' and 'good morning'. I giggle what an ironic convo.

As a nice surprise for the boy I decided to call him. It was 8:00am for me and for him it was 2:00pm. I just hoped he wasn't busy. As the phone rang I heard a loud scream through the phone.


I smile. Recently this man had been on my mind a lot. I don't really know what it was, but he did in fact live in my mind rent free.


He giggled a bit and I smile again. What has gotten into me being all smiley and happy when he's around? I shrug it off and enjoy the feeling I don't want to ruin it by overthinking. Tommy then responded.

"My afternoon hasn't been so bad. In fact just got done recording a mod video with the boys! How has your morning treated you?"

I rub my eyes a bit still a little groggy even after the shower.

"I'm alright, nothing too much has happened just took a shower and now I'm here."

We didn't talk too much after that. Tommy had a mission today. With that being said I went onto Minecraft and played around and he seemed to be editing a video. I could tell because he would mumble to himself as he worked. I honestly was satisfied with spending today like this. There was no awkwardness in the call nor did either of us hang up even though we had nothing to discuss.

"He Toms. You can say no if you want to, but um would you like to play bedwars with me?"

There was a long pause as I assumed he was still in the zone of editing. Then he broke the silence.

"Um actually Y/n is it okay if I finish up this video? Also would you like to watch it when I'm done? I'm actually really proud of how it's turning out."

There are flutters of excitement in my stomach. He's really gonna let me watch an ultra exclusive premiere of the new video?! Of course I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass me.


He giggled a bit and I patiently wait for him to finish the video. I'm like a little kid waiting for my candy as I happily swing my legs. After a couple of minutes Tommy starts to talk again.

"I'm done! Here I'll send you the video. Tell me if it's good."

Squeal a little as I open the link that Tommy had sent me. As I watch the video it looks very impressive. He was editing one of the vlogs. In this one Phil, Will, Tubbo, and him all go paintballing. It all looked extremely fun. I was laughing so hard at some of the bits and when it was done I just smiled proudly. This man is so good at what he does and never fails to impress me.

"Tommy this video was amazing I loved it. I cant wait for everyone else to check it out!"

There was silence for a couple of seconds before a hear a giggle.

"Thank you Y/n this means the world to me you don't even know."

I smile at the words. I'm glad I make him happy.

"So Tom quick question. If someone were to post a little teaser of the vlog would you get mad?"

There is another chuckle before Tommy responds again.

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