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"Y/n what's this cryptic shit Tommy is posting on Twitter."

I giggled a bit at Wills comment.

"Who knows..."

I shrug a bit even though both men couldn't see me. Then Clay chimes in screaming.


There was a light chuckle from Will.

"Dream you can't gate keep Y/n. Even if Tommy and Y/n are together you can't gate keep her."

He scoffed and stayed quiet, but I could hear him mumbling under his breath. Then Will began to speak again.

"So what's going on actually Y/n. Tommy isn't a person to post things like what he posts about you. It seems meaningful is what I'm saying and TommyInnit doesn't do meaningful."

As Will said that Tom walked out of the bathroom with pajamas on and his fluffy blond hair now completely soaked. I laugh at the comment Will made and Tom walks over with a confused look on his face.

"Y/n who are you on call with?!"

My eyes widen a little and look away in guilt. I never really asked Tom if I could get on his computer, but I figured why not.

"Um just Will and Clay... Do you want to talk to them?"

He looked down to me meeting eye contact and he smiled.

"No it's alright tell me when you're done I wanna sleep. I'm a little tired from running around today."

I nod to him and watch as he walks over to his bed and plops down.

"So what did you all do today Y/n?"

Clay seemed genuinely interested this time instead of being a helicopter parent.

"Well...first Tom tackled me...Then we went ate lunch and while we were washing up I fell on my ass and pretended I had a concussion...We then too Toms mom her food and I cried cause I leave soon... ummm... Tom then asked to go to the park... and uh... we uh... talked... then instead of going home we adventured on the beach... I think that was it until we got home."

There was silence for a couple of second before Clay pressed further.

"So what did you talk about at the park?"

I stayed silent. I in reality didn't want to tell him so I looked over to Tom. He was laying on his bed scrolling through something and I gestured over to him. He looked to me confused and got up making his way over to where I sat. I handed him the headset.

"Hey Clay repeat the question really quick."

He stalled for a second probably out of confusion.

"Um I asked what did you talk about at the park??"

Tom sat there eyes wide looking at me.

"I don't wanna tell him so you do it."

He stayed quiet and continued to look at me. Then broke the silence after a second.


I shrugged and grabbed his phone walking over to his bed and laying down.


Tom, Clay, and Will spent the next 20minutes discussing what all in detail went on today. Of course there were some parts left out because it would be awkward telling them, but now they knew Tom and I were together. Instead of being a good girlfriend and helping out Tom I started to fall asleep on his bed. Before I could close my eyes finally I loudly called for Tom.

"Lay down Tom... I'm tired let's go to bed."

Even though I was a good 5 feet away from the pc I could hear Clay scream "WHAT". I chose to ignore it and Tom turned to look at me with a smile.

"Okay Y/n give me a second to explain to your hover brother that we aren't doing anything."

I roll my eyes lightly and turn to face away from the conversation. I didn't want to hear anymore and was honestly extremely exhausted.


It didn't take long, but it was long enough I had fallen asleep fully. I felt moving on the bed next to me and then I woke back up a little bit to turn around swing Tom hand slipped in beside me. He reached out his arms and I hugged him.

"Y/n Today has been great... I'm also really glad you're here... I want to make all of this special because you leave the day after tomorrow..."

I snuggled my head further into his chest and groaned.

"I don't want to leave... Tom kidnap me please..."

He chuckled at my comment and I could feel it reverberate. It made me smile that I made him laugh.

"I'm not going to do that Y/n. As much as I wish I could we both know you have to go back."

I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. I didn't want to cry now especially before going to bed, but it seemed my emotions didn't want to listen. I knew Tom could tell I was crying because he started to stroke my hair. I took it as an invitation to cry more. I was surprised I had cried so much today because I usually wasn't an emotional person. Though now that everything has been my perfect dream it all had to end eventually.

I lift up my head from Toms now tear soaked shirt and I look up to him in guilt. He doesn't look disappointed on his face only shows a kind and understanding smile. We look at each other for a while before putting my head back in Toms chest.

"Y/n promise me when you get home this won't change."

I nod my head. I couldn't bear looking at his face because it would only result in more crying. I could feel Tom smile as he hugged me tighter putting his head on mine. It wasn't long laying like that before we both fell asleep soundly.

Sorry again for the shortish chapter. I had a long day and didn't get the chance to right. Love y'all! Thank you for staying with this book.

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