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Opening my eyes I get that feel that I know today is going to be eh. I woke up at 10 am since we stayed up so late and kinda felt groggy. I so desperately wanted to fall back on my pillow and sleep. Instead of going back to sleep though I did my same routine by turning on my Xbox and seeing who was online.

To my surprise only Ari was on, though it was a Saturday. I just figured that everyone else was busy. As I quickly join the party Ari starts making random screeching noises. It sounds as though a demon is being exorcised out of her.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

Nothing understandable came out of the woman's mouth but there was purpose.

"Y/n watch too hot to handle with meeeee."

Ah yes the Ari begging that I will never get a break from, but also never get tired of. While I hop on Netflix per her request I decide to check my phone since I remember it being blown up last night.

All of the notifications were from discord which was off. I only used discord a couple of times and mainly had it to keep up with ranmail. I check more specifically where it is coming from and all of the notifs are coming from Tommy's server so I click into the chat.

The first message I see is Tommy atting me in the channel. A little confused I continue to scroll down some more. It's just a bunch of randoms atting me because Tommy did. Wanting to get to the bottom of what is going on I decided to type out a message for the chat. It read "Why is my phone getting spammed with yall atting me?!".

A couple of people reply with "lmao" or "what?". But one in particular caught my eye. It was a random person replying "didnt you watch Tommy's stream last night?".

I was a little confused why his stream would have anything to do with me. But I wanted to know why so I responded back to them "No actually I was playing games with my friends on Xbox and couldn't tune in. What happened?"

There was no reply for quite a while so I wasn't so pressed about it and continued to watch too hot to handle with Ari. Midway through the episode though I got another ding from discord and this time is was from someone called 'TommyInnitsimp134'. They sent out "You should just leave. You're not a good influence on him. You made him cheat."

I didn't really dwell on a random person tell me off. If I didn't know them there was no point in taking it to heart I was also a little confused by the response so I just generally sent out a message."Should I just check the vod?!".

A lot of people clambered in to respond with multiple "yes"'s, but of course one "die" from the person before. After the episode is over for too hot to handle I inform Ari on the situation.

"Hey Ari I can't watch more right now I have to look at Tommy's vod."

I could tell there was confusion and a little frustration in Aris voice when she responded. We had both really wanted to finish the show, but right now wasn't the time.


I chuckle a little because of course this had to happen on the second to last episode of the show, but I needed to know what was up. I don't bother responding and mute myself going to Tommy's twitch.

To save me the time of watching the entire vod I scroll over to the clips section trying to find anything that would give me a clue. It of course happened to be the first one. It had a million views and was titled 'girl pogchamp'. I clicked on the clip and I was surprised.

"You guys should thank a girl named Y/n. Man without her tips I'd been stuck here for ages."

It was another FNAF stream that I had missed out on yesterday. I wouldn't lie saying that I was a little disappointed that I had missed it, but nonetheless didnt really care. I was enjoying time with my friends and that's all that mattered.

After I closed back out of twitch and went into discord I was still a little confused. I got that Tommy mentioned me, but was still not understanding why he would at me in the general chat. I continue to shrug off the thought and go back to watching things with Ari.

We watched the rest of too hot to handle, royal crown, and a couple anime's when I had gotten hungry. I got up walked to my fridge as the show was still going and grabbed a lunchable. I knew these weren't the best nutrition wise, but it was the best I could do. I got a little too lazy to cook anything.

I sat back down on my couch and began eating when I get another ping from discord. I can't believe that I've been so darn popular today, but I decide to check it. It was a Dm from Tommy himself I was a little shocked what he needed so I checked it out.

"Hey Y/n I am going to finish FNAF tonight and was wondering if you just wanted to get in a vc to help me out while I do it?"

I sat there in shock jaw on the floor. Was he real king asking me to get in a vc with him right now? Get in a vc with THE TommyInnit? Of fucking course I do. So I respond with a quick "sure!" and immediately go back to chatting with Ari.


There was silence for a moment before I get a couple of confused noises not only from Ari but Damien and Abby as well. Apparently they had joined in the party without me noticing. Ari perks up with a question.

"Wait Y/n what do you mean you will be on his stream?"

I screech a little and open up discord on my phone and take a screenshot. I hope that didn't notify Tommy I did that, if so that would be embarrassing. I send the screenshot to the group chat. As they check it after a few minutes of silence Ari screeches.


A smile presents itself on my face and I make a noise in assurance of aris question. There are a couple of noises throughout the party presenting excitement.


I get ready for that night. Nothing special, a shower, discord around to join a vc, and a decent set up so quality wasn't too bad for the stream. I got a little anxious because this would be my first time on a stream with Tommy. It is going to be weird to talk with someone famous like Tommy. I hope it all goes okay.

I sit in my chair awaiting a notice when everything would start, when I get a message to be ready in 15 as he would start the stream soon. I was starting to get more anxious. Of course I had streamed a little on my own, but at max only got 2 viewers.

I finally realize that streaming will start soon and I realize I don't know what I am doing. I was scared that things wouldn't work properly because I had never been in a discord call before. So as a precaution I asked Tommy if I could get in a call quick and see if everything would work fine. He gladly accepted and I got the call. My anxiety rises I'm so nervous.

I'm sorry if there are some errors in this I didn't wanna keep reading this chapter over and over XD

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