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It was just silence. I furrowed my brow and checked discord if I was muted or if it was still working. Everything seemed to be working just fine, but no one was here. I decide to call out again.

"Hello? Clay? Alex? Karl? Sapnap?"

There was still no response. A little weirded out I send a message in the group channel. It said "Anyone here? Just wondering what's going on.". As I wait for a response I check my phone to see if anyone had texted me. To my dismay nothing...

I started to get worried. What was going on? Did I do something? Where did everyone go? They had to have noticed that I joined. I even typed in the channel. Where they intentionally ignoring me?

I start to over think a little. To not make the situation worse for myself and overthink more I type again into the channel "Um... I'll leave the vc then sorry to disturb...". It continued to be radio silence after that so I left without another word.

What the heck was going on? I had been invited to record with them litterally 10 minutes prior. Did they decide to change their mind? I wanted to figure out what was going on. This wasn't like any of them to just ghost someone.

I grabbed my phone off of my desk again and went to my messages with Clay. I texted him "Hey Clay... um is everything okay? I joined in the vc and no one spoke. Even when I sent messages no one responded... Did I do something?". As I waited for a response I opened up roblox anyway.

Not to long into my game I was playing I got a text from Clay. He sent "Y/N IM SO SORRY HOLY SHIT! You didn't do anything at all everything is alright. We were wanting to play a game on roblox that had in game voice chat so we turned down our discord's to see if it was working. None of us noticed that you joined. Come back we will let you in.". I sighed a little in relief that they didn't intentionally ignore me.

I joined back into the discord this time to a bunch of people speaking cheerfully. They were discussing how everything was going to work for the recording. Once they had all noticed my arrival there were too many sorries to count. I laugh a little at the boys and see that Sapnap was in the vc. I thought now was probably a good time to introduce myself.

"Hey guys it's alright haha. Also hello Sapnap! It's nice to finally meet you!"

I could tell that there was a smile on his face as he responded.

"Hi Y/n! I've heard all good things about you! It's nice to finally meet you too!"

Just as I expected Sapnap was going to be a great friend and we only knew each other for a couple of minutes. The other boys in the call then started screaming diminishing the nice atmosphere that Sapnap and I created. More specifically Alex as he screamed the loudest.


I roll my eyes a bit and wait for everyone to get onto roblox with me. Alex had started his recorded and introduced each one of us. To begin we played a game of survive the disaster. This was going to be a long recording but I was excited.



I was laughing so hard at this point. Quackity had chosen a horror game that one of us was a killer and everyone else was solving puzzles. I did what I do best and muted myself as I stalked them.

The entire place was a maze and I was invisible waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. I seen Quackity pass right by me and I followed him. I think he knew I was there as he started to scream for me to leave. I laughed a little as I did what he said as to not attract anymore attention.

Poggers... (TommyInnit x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα