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I woke up this morning not alone. I rolled over and Tom had been sleeping soundly holding me. I smiled to myself and hugged onto him tighter. I wanted as much time as I could spend with him today.

It was my last day in the UK after so long and I was trying my hardest to not cry every moment. I knew that I would miss every second on this since I would be going back down to the fan life. It really did make me anxious wondering what it would be like not being here with Tom.

I feel rustling and Tom opens his eyes a bit and smiles. I do as well, but of course can't wipe the worried look on my face. As soon as Tom notices my expression his smile also turns to concern.

"What's wrong Y/n?!"

I shook my head a bit not wanting to talk or I might cry.

"Are you worried because you're leaving tomorrow?"

I nod my head indicating he had it right on the spot.

"Okay...I know you don't wanna talk right now, but I need to know in more detail why your worried about leaving. I don't want you worrying."

I nod my head a bit and set up. Tom follows my  movements and we sit cris cross in front of each other. I take a few deep breaths before I being to speak.

"I'm sorry I'm advance if u talk a lot."

Tom reached out and grabs my hands in reassurance.

"Go ahead I'm okay I want to hear everything."

I nod my head again.

"So... I'm worried because the only reason why this relationship started was because I was here... before any of this I was just a friend who was also a fan... now though it's different and I'm scared that it's gonna change as soon as I get back home..."

Tom looks at me now with a worried look on his face as if he hadn't thought about that fact until now.


I glance away a little embarrassed for saying that out loud, but it needed to be said.

"Y/n...I didn't think about that... the only thing I have to tell you is that we just have to wait it out and see... I also don't want anything to happen to this, but I do have to admit we won't be able to do the same things as before."

It broke my heart hearing Tom say these words, but I knew there wasn't anything he would say to make me not worry. All of what he was say is true and all we could do today was enjoy the time we had left. I hope everything turns out alright when I get home.


It was a long day for Tom and I. Even though we knew this was our last day together there wasn't a whole lot we did. After we woke up we decided to watch a couple of movies and then go out with Toms parents for lunch.

As soon as we got back to the house there was nothing to do. Tom and I just lay on the bed in his room in silence. I snuggled up to him a bit as he scrolled through Twitter trying not to let everything overwhelm me. Ideas just wracked through my mind of what could possibly go wrong once I got home. I was scared Tom would move on, we would grow distant, things would turn friendly again, or worse. To distract myself I got up from Toms bed and walked downstairs.

I think Tom got worried as only a few seconds after me leaving the room he followed behind me. I continued walking though making my way out of the back door into the garden. To calm down I sat on the back porch letting the wind hit me.

I heard the door open behind me and it was Tom following me outside and sitting next to me on the steps. He knew that I was stressed out and he probably was as well. We both didn't have the heart to talk and we just wanted to spend time together. I didn't know what else to do so I lay my head on his shoulder. I really dont know what I'm going to do when I get home without him.


He perks up a bit and glances down at me.

"Yes Y/n?!"

I sigh.

"I don't want to leave."

Tom also sighs and pulls me into a side hug.

"I know... I know... I don't want you too either."


The rest of the day continued on like this. Moping around, but still doing things to spend as much time as we can together. We went out to the beach again and played around there. Then we came back home and ate dinner. When it became late late we went back into Toms room and watched more movies until we fell asleep. As I was getting ready to drift off that night I could hear sniffling behind me. I immediately turned around to Tom crying.

"Tom... oh bub...come here."

He sniffles some more and latched his arms around me pulling me in tightly.

"I can't loose you Y/n..."

With those words I almost started to cry myself. Why did life have to be so unfair by putting us miles apart. I grabbed onto him tighter putting my hand through his hair trying to calm him down the best I could. I also started to sing little songs to him lulling him to sleep. Once I was satisfied he had fallen asleep I did the same.

I'm really sorry for the short chapter and the lack of chapter yesterday. I was so tired and my head hurt like crazy yesterday. I'll always produce longer chapters during the weekends as I don't have school then, but during the week they will be tight and maybe fillers. Sorry again.

Poggers... (TommyInnit x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora