"Well, I think that's what he said that." Newt's lips connected with Thomas'.

"So I think that there will be no problem if I do this." Thomas' hands went to Newt's waist, pushing his body closer to his. "And this." Newt wrapped his arms around Thomas while the kiss got heated. Thomas pushed him against the wall and Newt jumped wrapping his tights around Thomas' waist. Thomas held his tights closer to him. And then Newt started to feel dizzy and stopped kissing Thomas.

"Newt? What's wrong?" Thomas let go of his tights but kept holding his arms, afraid that he could crash down on the floor.

"I don't know." Newt said seeing Thomas' face getting blurry.

"I'm getting you some water and a blanket." Thomas gently put him on the floor and started to search for a blanket, food and water. He came back with a bottle of water. "Drink this." Newt tried to grab the bottle but he was too dizzy. Thomas opened the bottle and helped him drink it. "Wait here." If Newt had more energy he would have said 'I'm not going anywhere'. Thomas came back with a blanket, he wrapped Newt's body with it and carried him to the room. He put him on the bed.

"I'm tired." Newt closed his eyes. "So tired. I'm going to sleep a little bit."

Newt felt Thomas' warm lips touch his forehead. He wanted to ask Thomas to lie down with him, but before he knew, he was already asleep.


Thomas' POV

He was worried about Newt. The virus was only getting worse and they still didn't have the cure.

Thomas was sitting on a chair in front of Newt's bed. He put his hand on Newt's forehead and felt how hot it was.

The gun was right under his chair, in case he needed to use it.

He tried to form a plan to get to the cure. They had to use the berg and go back to the buildings. But where was the cure? There were too many buildings, too many floors and too many rooms. They were only three, there was no way they could get a cure.

Thomas waited the whole day on the chair for Minho. He started to get impatient. Where the shank is he?

"Tommy." He saw Newt moving his hand. Thomas reached out for his hand and squeezed it.

"Shh. It's okay." Thomas drew circles on Newt's hand with his thumb.

"Where's Minho?"

"He's on his way."

Newt slowly opened his eyes to stare at Thomas. "It's the virus, isn't it? Am I dying?"

Thomas heart raced in pain. "No, it's okay. You're okay. You're not dying."

"Tommy. If I die, I don't want you to feel guilty."

"You're not going to die." Thomas was trying to convince Newt but it felt more like he was trying to convince himself.

"You don't know that for sure." Newt's eyes were so intense that Thomas looked away.


"Just promise me you won't blame yourself. Please, Tommy. Please." Newt was pleading with teary eyes. What Thomas saw made his heart break into a million pieces.

"I promise." He said. "But we're going to find the cure, Newt."

Newt squeezed his hand and then let go of it, going back to sleep.

"I'm going to check outside." Thomas got the gun and went to the main room.

He looked outside the window and saw Minho there. Thomas opened the door and Minho got in.

"I found something. More like someone. Where's Newt?"

"He's in the bedroom." Thomas and Minho went there. "The virus is getting worse every second."

Minho looked at Newt with a sad and worried expression.

"We have to find the cure as soon as possible, Minho. But we are only three, there are too many buildings."

"I think that I might know how to find the cure. When I was there, I found Gally."

"What?" Thomas asked with an incredulous expression stamped on the face.

"Yup. Gally. I don't even know how he's alive, all I know is that now he has an army and that he wants to destroy the WCKD."

"What?" Thomas was even more confused.

"I'm bringing him here since we can't take Newt. He'll explain everything to you."


"Can you stop saying that? Gally has a plan to destroy the WCKD and we're going with him so we can find the cure."

"But- Gally alive? How-"

"I know. I had the same reaction. But it doesn't matter how he is alive, he's going to help us find the cure. Now can you please stop asking questions about this? I'm exhausted." Minho sat on the chair. He looked at Newt. "How did it happen?"

"It was right after you left. We were, well, kissing and-"

"Wait, what? You two were kissing? I told you not to do that!"

"You told us not to do anything naked and we weren't naked. Anyway, he started to feel dizzy, so I took him to bed. His body was hot and feverish. I gave him a bit of water and then he slept."

"You took him to bed with clothes, right?"

"Yes, Minho." Thomas answered annoyed.

"Okay, good. I'm leaving in one hour. We have to make the plan as fast as we can."


Don't kill me for using the three words hehe


But anyway, it would mean the world to me if you checked my other fanfic(Inside)

It's new and it's about Newtmas in an au

You don't have to read it, vote or comment, but if you want to....

I hope you liked this chapter

I dont have any tests next week yay


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