Tell Me A Lie

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A/N: this chapter is rated PG-13 for language...if you can't handle it, replace all the "naughty" words with butterfly

My eyes flickered open. I felt Liam breathing steadily beside me. I snuggled my head back into his shoulder. A few moments later I reached over to my iPad that was sitting on the coffee table. Something came over me. It was time, I had to do what I was dreading doing. I pulled up google and typed it in. "Mae Kingsorn"

Results flooded the page as it loaded. I clicked on an article that was at the top.

"Is Mae Changing Liam?"

"After the publicity incident, sources report that they have been going strong. Mae was found after being missing for days in a row for reasons unknown. The couple was pretty well accepted by the One Direction fan-base, until recently, some photos of the couple have been leaked. The twitter world has been exploding with countless tweets about photos taken of the two being "overly public" about their romantics. These photos, along with negitive comments, are coating tumblr pages. There is no comment yet on how Liam, Mae, or the rest of the band is reacting to this photo outbreak"

I gulped.

I continued to scroll down and look at the photos.

"Shit," I muttered to myself.

I saw multiple fuzzy, poorly taken photos of a couple kissing in the parking lot of the police station. Even though the photos were bad quality, you could still tell the couple was Liam and me. I winced slightly scrolling down to where people could leave their comments on the article.

XxLou'sFacexX: *cough* slut

Kadyboo: :O that whore!

SassyStyles: Why are they outside a police station?!?!? SHE'S CHANGING OUR Lee-um!

You're Liam? My heart was pounding and tears were streaming down my face. I was enraged, jealous, and completely petrified all at the same time. The rest of the comments weren't any better.

MrSsS.pAyNeE: cut the PDA, bitch. We all already know she's out to get fame. Bet she's happy those leaked out. More press for her!

VOLDY_Sexystyles: so glad she's done using Harry, but poor Liam's still stuck with this gold-digger, attention-seeking slut.

"Mae, what are you doing?" I heard a voice next to me. My sobs rang out. Liam grabbed my iPad off of my lap and threw it to the side. "Why would you read that!"

I didn't answer him. I don't know why I looked up my name to begin with. "They hate me, they think I'm a slut, and a whore, and that I'm with you to get fame, and money. They said all those things! It takes one to know one, they know what a slut looks like, they see one every time they look in to the mirror!" I was shouting now. I knew my face was bright red and my eyes were still streaming with tears, but I didn't care. These girls had no right.

"Don't say that!" said Liam, "you don't know them, you have no right to say that about our fans!"

"That's exactly what they did to me!" I protested.

"That doesn't mean you should too!"

"Are you seriously defending them right now?" I yelled, "do you think I'm a slut too?"

"Mae! You're being ridiculous!" Liam was shouting now too.

"They don't know me! They don't know what I've been through! They dont know about my dad! Those girls don't know shit!"

"Mae, I thought you could be reasonable about this, I thought you of all people could handle this, it'd just take some getting used to, so that's why I brought you here and.."

Truly Madly Crazy Deeply in Love (aka One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now