Where we are

13 1 0

Josh Pov

I left. She made a good point, my emotions were getting the best of me even if her words did give me a sense of hope. I don't have clue what happened with her and her boyfriend. I don't know anything, and the fact that Dylan hadn't called and told me Lana was coming home lets me know one thing, she needed to tell me herself. So, I left her, but I couldn't bring myself to leave her so here I am in the guest room of my best friend's home, down the hall from the women I have loved since she was a girl. Sophia would have my head if she was still living and with that I fell asleep thinking about what could've been if she was still here. How different it all would've been.

The smell of bacon wakes me from my sleep it was a welcome wake up call, so I happily make my way to the bathroom where I have toiletries that don't leave this house for those drunken nights I end up here. After my morning routine of freshening myself up, I pull on a pair of extra sweat pants and decide to go shirtless to show off the fact that I have kept myself in great shape. I make my way into the kitchen, nervous as hell might I add. "Good morning Lena"
"Oh hey Josh "she says not looking up from fixing the plates I let out a sigh it stays silent as she finish plating the breakfast she made. Surprisingly she makes a plate for me I say thanks but receive only a nod from her and silent falls around us once more. I don't think it has ever been so awkward between us before, not even after the break up and those were some pretty awkward times. I sigh not sure what to say, I know I should say something. "I want to talk Lena I will listen and talk like an adult I won't react without listening to you and knowing all the information like I did last night and I sorry for upsetting you.
"Thank you Josh for saying that I appreciate it. I wasn't prepared to see you so soon after arriving, really thought I wouldn't be seeing you until Monday at work."
"Wait at work you work at the high school?"
" Yes come Monday I will be the new guidance counselor"
"Oh" was all I could say literally nothing else came to mind I was stunned which she must've picked up on because I heard her try to suppress a laugh, and like the Grinch my heart grew twice it's size it cause me to laugh a little as well.
"What's so funny?" I asked her
"You are! How are you pushing 50 and can only articulate——
"Lena-Renae Excuse the fuck out of you I'm pushing WHAT!! Lena I'm not even 35 how am I pushing 50 are you insane" we are both full on laughing now. The kind of laughing that causes tears to escape your eyes and it's almost impossible to catch your breath. It was a beautiful moment that will forever live rent free in my heart. Once we finally calmed down I realized Im happier than I've been in years and I don't need to know why she is here I'm just happy she is.
"Hey Lena I don't know what you being back means for us exactly but I'm okay with that I don't want you to feel rushed to tell me anything your not ready to share. It's probably a big adjustment coming back from New York it effects a lot of people we all should focus on the new dynamic of it all.
"Yeah okay your right thanks but just to clear the air Damien and I——-
She couldn't continue do to the fact my phone rung it was her dad so I answered and she got our plates and began to wash them
"Hey wassup Luke"
"Where's Lena? is she okay? Why isn't she answering the phone? He asked in a panic not pausing to breathe.
"Man calm down she's fine she's right here I think her phone maybe in her room"
"Oh god she's not even back a day and you already sleep with her. Josh we have to draw the line." And for the second time in a hour I'm in another fit of laughter
"If anything like that is ever happening I won't answer the phone and I definitely won't be telling you about it. We are in the kitchen we were just talking. Here talk to her since you didn't call for me." I handed Lena the phone.
"Dad I asked you to do one thing."

"I guess but that would've happened regardless we are two adults capable of talking without being forced into it."

"Okay love you too see you then."
She hung up and hands me the phone back to me. "So you told him you didn't want to see me?"
"No....Not exactly but it doesn't matter now. Im going to go shower and chill out here today dad won't be back til tomorrow afternoon."
"Okay I'm going to go to the gym Ill probably head home after so I guess I'll see you at work Monday Ms. guidance counselor."
"Josh wait I was thinking about making pasta for dinner, there will be more than enough for the both of us if you wanted to come back."
"Ok yeah I'll be back in a few hours." I wanted to ask her what she was gonna say about Damien before Luke called but decided against it. I grabbed my keys and headed to the gym.

Lena's pov

That man that man that man. I don't know how it's possible I haven't been with this man in five years yet I still feel the same now as I did then. When I saw him come into the kitchen shirtless I couldn't even look at him. I know I would've completely embarrassed myself, so I avoided eye contact at all cost. The sexual attraction is there and strong. Other than that the emotional connection between us is real too. Even through the awkwardness and it's been five years. I don't understand how he doesn't know what me being back means for us. I know what it means or I know what I want it to mean. Does he not want the same? It is very possible that after five years he doesn't feel like he used to. He probably looks back grateful that he ended things with such a young and naïve teenager. He is genuinely a kind hearted man and knows that we are always going to be apart of each other's lives and doesn't want to do too much damage that would ruin our family dynamic. Which from the past we know won't effect Dylan or my dad much if we are together. So the only explanation is that he is trying to minimize the damage for when he breaks my heart again.
After my shower I decided to call Damien he answered after a few rings
"Hey Lena how are you"
"Good I guess Josh was here when I got in last night courtesy of my dad"
"And how did that go"
"Not the best today was better"
"You know your gonna have to do better than that. Just let me get Dylan to save you from having to tell the story twice. Deeeeeeee"
He yelled I think with the phone still to his face because it was very much loud as hell in my hear
"Damn Damien my ears"
"Shit my bad but Dylan is with us you can continue"
I decided to FaceTime with them. I think it's really setting in now that I won't be living with them anymore. I told them what happened and they gave me advice basically not to jump to conclusions and not to push Josh away. We talked for almost two hours, I even learned bout the girl Damien goes to mush around. I reminded him how confident he was with me and how that played a part me giving him a chance. When we ended our call I let a few tears escape my eyes, they weren't happy or sad tears just tears. Shortly after I began dinner. Josh came before dinner was done and we talked about miscellaneous things. Dinner was uneventful and so was the rest of the evening. After dinner we went our separate ways but I thought it was nice that he stayed over again.

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