A Plane Ride Away

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The plane lands, and my body goes into complete panic. After I talked with everyone about using the plane ticket Dylan got me, my things were practically packed for me. So here I am only a day later and I've spent the entire flight going over what I was going to do, I had it all figured out on paper. There is a job position available for guidance counselor at the one and only McKinley High. It took both Dylan and Damien to tell me it was a sign for me to go and try with Josh. I was originally only going for a few weeks to spend time with my dad and process that I lost a child on top of ending my longest romantic relationship. However the plans changed before I even stepped foot on the plane. So after speaking with my father and the principle at McKinley, I figured I would be living with my father for a few months while I adjust to the changes that are taking place in my life. I also made it very clear to him I didn't want anyone to know of my return and he knew exactly who anyone was. The truth is my mind just couldn't process what my heart wanted, and I was scared of the unknown with him. I have an in person interview with the principle Monday morning, just as a formality and for records that I went threw the complete process but he told me that the job was mine and I could start Monday after the paper work was signed. My dad sent a driver to pick me up from the airport because he had some last minute business to handle overseas. I didn't ask for details but sooner rather than later I would find myself wishing I had....

Josh Pov

Five years is a long time to love someone and to miss someone. I used to dream of the day she would come back to me. However, over time it faded little by little, but fade none the less. She is still a part of my life, she is my best friend's daughter and my adopted son's best friend. My quote unquote god daughter according to her dad. Regardless the dynamics Luke has been there for me, he was the only person to fully see how heart broken I truly was. I don't know any other man that would console a man that is twice the age of there only child but that was Luke for you. Maybe, he just felt bad because he thought he was the reason behind both of our broken hearts. Whatever the reason I'm grateful regardless, because once Dylan and Lena left for college that's when it really hit me. While they were still here, it was awkward mostly because we both still wanted each other. I was happy with the awkward. I could live forever with the awkward if it meant seeing her everyday. She didn't date anyone after me, and I sure as hell couldn't even look at a female the way I looked at her. Some unbroke piece of me shattered when I found out about her college boyfriend. When Dylan told me that she was seeing someone I knew it was serious, and I knew he hated telling. Then, when I found out they kept her relationship from me for an entire year I knew my worst fear came true, she had her happily ever after with someone else. I had a few casual flings but nothing substantial especially when compared to the women she has grown into. I wasn't waiting for her not anymore at least, I knew that ship was long gone. I just couldn't help but compare everyone to her. She is my standard, and no one ever meets them entirely. The first time Luke and I visited New York, Lena introduced her boyfriend mainly to her dad. I was just introduced as Dylan's dad in that moment, not her ex. I respected that, and in that moment I knew that was the role I was meant to play in her life and nothing more. The promise I made to her mother was still intact, and she had her dad who loved her just as much as he loved my best friend. My son loved her just like I loved her mother and that was something I could live with. I saw how happy she was not only with her boyfriend but with her growth and her life in New York. The dinner that night was the six of us (the sixth person was Josie, Dylan's girlfriend) Luke 100 percent had my back to the outside looking in it just seemed like the normal dad grilling and disapproving of the boyfriend but I knew it was for me his unspoken approval of me for his daughter. I pull myself from my memories as I parked in Luke's driveway. He called me earlier asking me to come over, because he had business to attend overseas. He said something important was arriving and he wanted me to make sure it got here in perfect condition. I'm barely able to sit on the couch to find something to watch before I see headlights come through the window. When the car parks, I see Mason Luke's driver get out of the car. I assumed his plans changed and he had to return home, but then I saw her and every emotion in existence ran through me, "why are you here"?

Lena Pov

I thanked Mason as I stepped out of the vehicle and make my way to the door of my dads home. Before I could even pull the key completely out of my purse the door was opened. His velvety voice floods my ears even with the pain in his voice. I wanted to melt on the spot, but his words are not lost on me," why are you here"? I didn't know when I was going to see him or what I was even planning to say but this encounter I was not prepared for not in the slightest. I thought I would have the upper hand in our first encounter after the years we've spent apart. I assumed and pictured it would be at the school we were both employees at, but this scenario I wasn't prepared to handle. My dad just couldn't help himself I guess. Josh stood in front of me void of all emotions while the tears threating to spill from my eyelids. It showed just how emotional I really was about seeing him and I hate it. "Not now" was all that I could get out while trying to keep the tears at bay. I pushed past him and made my way to my room. I let out a single breath, and I broke down uncontrollably in tears that sounded like loud sobs escaping past my lips. I had no way to keep track of the time that I had spent on the floor, sitting against my door. I just know it felt like a lifetime, until I heard his voice once more. "Look Lena, I felt and thought a lot of things when I saw you step out of the car. Then, I heard you speak barely above a whisper two three letter words, and I was right back in my class five years ago. You were... you were.....", he begins but falters so I take that moment to get up and open the door. "I have missed you...us like that", he says once we are looking each other in the eyes. "It's been so long, and things have changed. We can't just pick up where we left off", I say. As I make my way to sit on my bed, I continue when he doesn't say anything. "...and I don't want to I was young, naïve and unexperienced in every sense of the word, but I do want the chance to know if it was real." "what" was the only word to leave his mouth after the words flowed from my heart out of my mouth. "You once told me I should experience life and that you would marry me but I haven't lived to know if this is what I wanted." Something I said must've struck a nerve because the expression on his face showed the venom in his voice before he spoke a single word, "so what you and your boyfriend call it quits and you decide to take me out the back of your pocket." Does he really think so low of me? Especially when he's the one who broke me first. "You have no right to speak on or talk about things you don't understand." "NO Lena don't try to play me!!" "Joshua just leave, leave now before you say something that cant be forgiven. Leave and tomorrow if you have questions then we can talk like the two adults we are." He turned around and left without another word or even a glance back.

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