Real Life

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Josh pov

Ugh, I made my decision, last night, about Lena. I have to call things off with her. I think Lucas is right, well I know he is and now I have to break, not only her heart, but mine too. I just pray, one day, I'll have her back. It's 7:30, which is to early for her to be up on a Saturday, so I make my way to Dylan's room, first.

I knock on the door and to my surprise, he's up. He tells me to come in; so I do, and I see him at his desk on the computer; so I sit on his bed. "Hey kid,I want to talk to you, it's important." He nods his head so I continue, "Mrs Springs and I were talking a few days ago, and she mentioned some families that might be interested in adopting you. I asked her out of curiosity if I could adopt you, and she told me that I actually can. The process would even be a little easier because I'm already fostering you. I was hoping that we could do that, but I wanted to see what you thought. I definitely do want to adopt you." Dylan opened his mouth like he was about to speak, but closed it, and just shook his head. He leaped up to hug me, and I couldn't help but smile and hug him back. At this moment, I feel my heart swell with love and I know my heart is full. I sit here with Dylan, and just enjoy this moment; before all hell would break loose.

Dylan and I talked through text and played the Xbox for about an hour; before, I leave him to go talk to Lena. She's still in my room, probably still in bed, but I know she has to be up by now. I'm standing outside the door, but I can't bring myself to knock on it. I can't bring myself to do what I need to do. I don't want to hurt her, and I don't want to let her go. I have fallen in love with her, and it's crazy I'm twenty-seven and in love with a girl; not even old enough to buy tobacco products. It's just not fair to her, it took me a while to get to this place, in my life. It took me awhile to become ready for the forever, and I understand she needs the same thing.  Finally, I knock on the door, and she tells me to come in and just as I expected she was still in bed.

"Hey, Lena, we gotta talk," I say, as I sit on the edge of the bed. She sits up, wraps her arms around my neck, and kisses my check. "Lena, I think we should cool things off, for a bit." She  sits back off her knees and removes her arms.


"I don't want you to think it's because I don't care about you, because I do, I really do. I just think you should experience life, without me.  I would marry you tomorrow, if I could. You haven't even lived yet to know if this is what you really want. I'm doing this for you, Lena."

"Bullshit, Just, we both know that you think I'm a child. You think I'm ignorant and immature. I'm not stupid, and you can't honestly expect me to believe that, I need to live crap."

"Lena, I'm sorry, I know you're hurt. I'll give you some space, and I hope that one day you'll understand."

I got off the bed, and walked out of the room. It physically pained me to have to do that, and when I heard her scream, I had to run out the front door. If I didn't, I knew I would end up running back in there to her and taking it all back.

Lena Pov

That son of a b*tch. How could he? Josh just left his room, and I can't help but scream, not wanting to shed any tears over Joshua. I get from underneath the blanket and make my way to Dylan's room.

I didn't even bother to knock; "Dylan I announced, and he turned from his computer desk. I've been keeping something from you and it just ended, and I really need to vent to someone." He just looks at me, so I continue, "okay, so long story short; Josh and I have been dating, sorta kinda, and he just ended it with us. Long version; Josh, was my birth mothers best friend. We developed a relationship that was more than teacher/student we started bonding and getting to know each other. Well, one day we ended up kissing, and it was everything, we knew there was a lot wrong with it. We just gotten so close, and we both wanted things to continue. It hasn't been anything more than kissing, but that was enough for me." He nods his head, almost as if to say, let it out. Lord knows I do.

"It just doesn't make since we have had the best time. We had a very limited kind of relationship, but I was satisfied with it. I thought he was too, and now he has the audacity to spit me some crap about me needing to live before I know if this is actually what I want."

"Well, finally, you tell me its about time."

"The hell you mean it's about ti..wait? You said that? Dylan, you actually spoke?

"Yes, I really did. Now, back to you."

"No, no, no back to me in a moment. Dylan, you're actually talking. You're actually talking to me, right now. I really might cry."

"Oh, come on, Lena you know I chose not to talk, right?"

"Yeah, I do, but you chose me to be the first person you speak too? After 5 years. That really means a lot to me."

"Yeah, I felt it was time. You're having a full on melt down right now. So, having someone to talk to might be exactly what you need. Now, let's get back to you, miss. Tell me, what did Josh say to you exactly?"

So, I told him, word for word, and he spoke once again.

"So, you know you are my family. You've proven that, and Elijah was right I got my family. That means, at the end of the day, I will always be on your side, but Josh is going to adopt me, which means he's family too. Like I said, after all is said and done, I'm on your side, but we both know he's a good guy. He's going to really be there for me and look out for me, so in this moment, I want to do the same for him. And, honestly Lena, I think he's right. I think he could have been better about his delivery, considering hes 13 years older than you, but none the less I think he does have a point.  He's basically telling you that he loves you and will marry you despite the many reasons y'all shouldn't be together and you call bullshit, but I am willing to bet any amount of money that if you would've even acknowledged what he said about marriage, he wouldn't have gone through with the break-up. Hell, he might've even got down on one knee. He's ready for the happily ever after; when your adventure is just about to begin. He just wants you to live a life before settling down he has had a life of adventure already, and doesn't want you to miss out on living life while you still can; before life gets all serious.

"What should I do?"

"I think you know Lee?"


"Yeah, I give everyone a nickname in my head."

"Well thats a no from me, buddy, but thank you. So, Dylan, adoption huh?"

"Don't start now." Just like that Dylan and I fell into an easy conversation about everything. We held no resentment towards Josh at all. How could I? When it came to anything else, besides him and I, he was truly a great individual. Dylan and I spent a few hours just in the house chilling. Josh and Lucas arrived, after some time and just joined in on the movie we were watching. The four of us spent the rest of the night watching all kinds of different movies.

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