Lena Renae Castle

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"Mom lookout!!"

She turns her head and slams on the breaks, but I know it's to late everything is black

Beep Beep Beep!!

My eyes open and suddenly this feeling rushes over me. The car spinning out of control. All I remember hearing were the sounds of my cries and screams.

Oh, how I wish I was still asleep.
I don't even know where I am, the feeling of dread has consumed my body, and I know what comes next for some reason it's familiar. A doctor comes to inform me of the accident, something in me was triggered I knew in that moment all my worst fears were true. I hear him tell me that I'm the only survivor from the accident, but my body just feels like it's in auto pilot. The only thought I have is wishing I would have just stayed asleep.  Before I know it, my entire world had changed in the blink of an eye.

3 months later 10.20.17

After learning of my parents death, a lady from social services came to take me from the hospital. I had a broken arm and leg; but I'm still breathing. I don't know why. What could possibly be the reason that I'm the only one still alive? How am I supposed to live in a world without my beautifully perfect parents? I don't know how I have continued to breathe, day after day, for the past three months. Moving to Arizona kept me busy; I got the opportunity to continue my education on a level closer to my ability. I jumped at the chance simply because I was surrounded by memories that were a constant reminder of what I no longer have, a reminder of a life I no longer live. Mckinley high was a nice change. I was placed with a foster family immediately, and after losing both of my parents, I was numb to the idea of my living conditions being wrong. ~3 months down, a lifetime to go~

Three months passed in a blur. Six months, half of a year, without the love and light of my parents. It left me feeling numb and hollow. The abuse from Stacy and Cody didn't phase me, I don't think anything could. However, it did make a terrible situation worse. Dylan is my foster brother, I guess that's you would call him. We don't really speak. I have noticed that he takes the abuse too, I wonder what's his reason for that choice? The first time Cody hit me about a month and a half ago; after everything was said and done, Dylan walked into my room later that night. He hugged me and placed a note in my hand, all it read was; I'm sorry for everything, the bad they inflict comes with some better opportunities. I guess one of those opportunities was being able to move out of state for my education. I smile and hug him "It's not your fault Dylan. I said, trying to put his mind to ease.  ~6 months down, a lifetime to go~

I finish writing in my journal, just as Dylan comes into my room; the same he does every morning. He gives me that same look, indicating it was time for us to walk to the bus stop; no words ever leaving his mouth because he's mute and doesn't talk. I thought it was just with me at first, like I did something wrong, but I come to the realization he doesn't talk to anyone. I'm guessing it's a result of the abuse we choose to put up with. I just sigh and grab my bag; it's Monday and my classes have been changed to all-junior classes. I will graduate when I'm sixteen; that's also the age I can file for emancipation, almost a year. My 15th birthday is quickly approaching, in just two months; it's my first birthday without my parents.

On the bus, I just sit with Dylan, and we continue too stay in our heads. I notice he fiddles with his hood wanting to hide any visible bruise, and I realize I should probably do the same since I'm running low on makeup. Once we are off the bus at McKinley I find myself looking to Dylan for support; I try my best to silently provide some for him as well. We enter the building and after months, I'm still not use to how intimidating it is to be here. I make my way to the memorial that's set up in the hall, as I do every morning, since I first saw it. There are pictures of a young girl with similar features to mine; her name was Sophia Hart . I notice the words underneath her picture states that she passed away on my birthday, March 15, 2003 the year I was born. There are a few pictures of her but my favorite is the one where her baby bump is noticeable. Her arms are placed around the top and bottom of the baby bump and she's looks so happy and loving at her unborn child. It's the look of unconditional love; my second favorite is the one with her and an attractive male together; smiling and happy. I find myself picturing what he the male would look like today, and after a few more content moments, I finally make my way to my new home room.

A/N~ I thought I should add this to help so there is no confusion. Sophia gave birth at 14 she would've turned 15 a few months later. At the time when she gave birth Josh was already 14 but had only been 14 about three months meaning Josh and Lena are 13 years apart. So at this point in the story Lena is 14 but Josh is 26 only because his birthday hasn't pasted yet.

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