A Ticking Clock pt. 2

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It was Saturday morning. I woke up at sharp 6o' clock. I rushed to my room for any update from Cole's mom. There was none. I was scared to death. A thousand questions rushed into my mind. What was happening? Is he dead? Is the operation still going on? Was it a false alarm?

I tried to shake off the questions but it was no use. Nevertheless, I rushed to get ready so we can leave for the hospital. I was ready by 7o' clock and so was my dad. He knew I wouldn't stay at home even a second longer. 

We were at the hospital in 10 minutes. I rushed towards the 3rd floor where I found Cole's mom standing opposite Cole's room. She saw me coming and braced herself for the answers to all my questions. Before I could say anything she said, "He's alive."

A sense of relief rushed into my body. I sighed with relief. But soon, Cole's mom ended my relief.

"But it's no good news either. There's now a 90% chance that he'll die. He's stable again now but the doctors are certain that he'll pass away. They're certain Nancy, they're certain." She said with a breaking voice and then she burst into tears. I hugged Mrs. Smith and gave her my shoulder to cry on. 

I texted Shirley with the update and within half an hour, she'd reached the hospital. She told me that she was keeping our whole grade updated on all that's been happening with Cole recently. 
"They're all very concerned about him, you know. I am damn sure most of them didn't get much sleep last night either." She said

There are only a very few people who descend on Earth and leave with 0 haters. Cole is one of them. No one hated him. All he ever spread was love yet God punishes him like this. Is it really necessary to take away such a beautiful human? No, there is no possible explanation for this. 

To our surprise, after 2 hours of waiting most of the students of the 7th grade came to the hospital and waited along with us. There was comfort in waiting with so many people. There was comfort in knowing that my heart wasn't the only one beating so hard. There was a comfort in knowing that everyone had the same tension on their minds. Since I and Shirley hadn't had anything for breakfast, Kiara rushed to the canteen to bring us something to eat. All that was left was a cold omelet. But the food didn't matter. We were like lifeless robots who were just eating for the sake of eating. Nothing mattered anymore. 

After an hour or so, a nurse came into the waiting hall and informed us all that Cole was awake again. 

And we all looked at each other.

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