A Ticking Clock

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A ticking clock. That's what it was. Seeing that Cole was pretty stable, we went home for the night. His parents stayed back. And then again, the unexpected happened. 

At around 1 a.m on a Saturday, Cole started facing severe headaches. It was unbearable for him. It was so severe, that Cole was screaming and shaking due to the pain. A scared nurse called the doctor to see him. The doctor knew immediately that it could be a risk of brain damage. 

The doctor immediately instructed the nurses to bring Cole to the operation theater. He stayed back for a minute to explain to Cole's mom about the current situation. 

"Mrs. Smith, your son might have some internal brain damage. It may cause internal bleeding and damage to brain tissues. I will not make false promises to assure you it'll be okay since most of the time, brain injuries are fatal. But what I can assure you is, that we will try our best." The doctor said

Cole's mom burst into tears. It was so painful to see the tables turn so quickly. After all this time, things were finally okay, but it all seemed black now, again. She texted our parents and us about the current situation. Coincidentally, both I and Shirley were awake at the time. Our anxieties had turned us into insomniacs, and the current news didn't help us anymore. I ran to my parents' room to wake them up so that they could drive me to the hospital. I possibly couldn't stay here while Cole was being operated on there. 

"Mom, Dad, wake up! Please!" I said shaking them with full force

With a groan, they opened their eyes and turned towards me. My mom said with a sleepy voice, "What's wrong dear?"

"Mom, Cole is facing brain injuries, he's being operated on now. WE NEED TO GO!" I said with an urgent tone.

"Honey, we can't drive you to the hospital right now. And there's nothing much you can do. We're just gonna have to stay and wait for what the doctors have to say." She said with a concerned tone.

"MOM! NO! You don't understand, I need to go, right now!" I said, bursting into tears now. 

My mom patted my head and tried to calm me down. But it was of no use, I kept crying like a child. The guilt was too much for me to handle. Guilt is sorrow's best friend, isn't it?

All the crying made me so exhausted that I just wanted to sleep after that. So I slept in my mom's lap, my eyes blurry with the tears, my mind heavy with anxiety and tension, and my heart drenched up with guilt and sorrow. Yet, I slept

(Author's note: Hey lovely readers. Firstly, thank you for reading this chapter, I appreciate it :D
Also, this is the first part of this chapter, the next chapter would be a sequel of this chapter.
If you like this chapter, do vote for it and feel free to put in any feedback, thank you, have a nice day. :D)

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