Hide and Be Sneaky (1/2)✅

Start from the beginning

-Guess, mine.- He smiles encouragingly.

-Green.- I pipe up excitedly.

-Wow, you got it.- He ruffles my hair.- When I think of green I think of happiness and calmness. I have a green wall in my room.


Geoff: She guessed my favorite color first try... but between you and me... I didn't even have a favorite color until she said green! She was hella excited and smiling like a kid. So, I told her she was right, and I haven't seen green the same ever since. I could probably live in it now.

Cut to the canteen

I walk into the canteen with Geoff, holding hands. Everyone turns to look at us. Heather spits her drink. She wasn't there yesterday to find out about our relationship.


Heather: That's just too much! Everyone knows that boyfriend-girlfriend is just another way to say "alliance". And my alliance is gonna be the only alliance on this island!

We sit next to each other, Leshawna on my right. She nudges me with a smirk, and I can't help but blush.

-I'll get you a tea, sugar.- Geoff kisses my cheek and wanders off.

-Everything is fine then.- Leshawna starts a conversation.

-Seems like it.- I smile.- Check this out. - I show her the photos, I made this morning with Geoff.

-Aww, that's proper cute.

-Let me see.- Bridgette comes over. They start to check all the photos but stop at one that wasn't supposed to be there.

-Who is it?- Leshawna hands me a photo.

It's my parent's photo from their wedding. It must have slipped into that pile accidentally when I was packing things into my bag today. I take the photo and gaze at it thoughtfully, getting stuck in my mind like I always do.

-Of course, they are her parents, can't you see the similarities?- Duncan appears suddenly behind us.

-How did you know?- I send him a wary look.

-You're similar to your mom. You have the same eyes and smile.

-Dad says it too. You look at the world with those inquiring eyes of her, looking for a sense in nonsense. You were born with it, eyes that have always seen the wonder in everything.

-Kinda harsh.- Duncan comments.

-He's definitely more practical. He never understood mom's passion. He doesn't get mine either. To be fair, no one feels my vibe the way I want, except Porter.

-Hey, we do. We're your friends.

-Thanks, but I know it's not true. You accept it but don't feel it. You find it new, interesting, and mesmerizing, but do you relate to it? I know you don't. Little things you don't even notice, tell more than your words.


Alexandra: They call me observant, but it's not necessarily true. It's easy to read people. We bleed emotion even in the way we drink our coffee. No one seems to notice though. They're all too busy drinking their damn coffee.

Leshawna: She's kind of right, I guess...

Duncan: When we were getting to know each other, I think I was too harsh. I listened, but she's right I never tried to understand. It was vague and fake, and you can't go with fake unnoticed next to Alexandra.

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