chapter 18

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Two weeks passed , Naina and Jai aren't talking to each other ...what talking ?! They are so far for the talk ... As they could Hardly meet , Naina spent most of her Time at the hospital she even spent the whole night there working .. And Jai was busy  with the preparation of his wedding with Dia , Yes they are getting Married !

*Flash Back *

-Naina: I want a divorce !

-Jai : you what ?! ... Jai said shocked..

-Naina : as you heard ! Everything will end today ! I have already signed the papers ....I want this fake relationship Right now ! ...

Jai got angry he grabbed Naina from her both arms and pulled her against the wall , Jai's eyes were burning with Anger he even didn't notice he is hurting Naina with his tight grabs ...

-Naina : Leave me immediately ... I said leave me immediately !!!!!

-Jai : don't scream at my face !!!!!! You want a divorce right ?? I will divorce you but with a condition ,!

-Naina : which condition ?!!

-Jai :  you must attend my wedding with Dia !

-Naina : That simple ?! No problem I will attend it leave my arms now ?! ..

Naina said it with a could heart ..

Jai was shocked , how the hell she could be careless and act could .. Did I really lost my whole place in her heart ? I lost her love forever I guss...

-Jai's self talk-

after that he let her go and Naina immediately went to the car ... few minutes after Jai followed her and they went home...

*Flash back end *

Today was " turmeric ceremony" everything was prepared for the best ceremony and they suggested to wear something yellow and green for the guests and the birds ...

Everyone arrived and the ceremony started , the guests were putting the turmeric on Jai and Dia 's face , hands , foots ...

And was the turn of Naina to do so she moved closer to them , suddenly her leg slipped and she fall on the top of Jai Her cheeks were rubbed with Jai's ...

Dev and Riya were so happy to see this because it was their plane , Riya had just skipped little of oil be
fore Naina 's turn and her plan to make this tradition happen to Jai and Naina was successful ...

Naina just got up and run to her room to wash her face , she was so stressed so she went to the balcony...

"What's wrong with me in this few days ? I was the one who asked him to divorce me and marry Dia why I am feeling bed and specially seeing them together ?! "(Naina's self talk )

Suddenly , someone put his hand on Naina's face exactly for covering her eyes... That person get close to her that his chest touched her bare back...

Naina's breathers become fast because she could guess who might is this person , Naina could smell his perfume so she was sure who it was ... It was " Jai " ...

Jai slowly pulled his other hand from his back and there was a " waist ankle " made only for Naina ... Jai slowly put it around her waist ... Naina was breathing heavily , her heartbeat went even more  faster when Jai touched her skin ....

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