chapter 6

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Naina was shocked she didn't expect that jai would ask her that she was so stressed if she should do the surgery or not she made a meeting to discuss Jai's case and finally they decided the best way and naina accept the she will be the operated surgeon and they decided it will be this night...

Everything was prepared with the whole team also priya, dev and aray come to visit jai they were so sad

Arya: dad why didn't you tell us about your weakness I am angry at you !

-Jai: forgive me please who knows maybe it's for the last time ?

All together: Shut up!! Don't say stupid things !!

-Arya: I am sure dad that my friend( naina)  will take care of you she promised me !

-Dev: hey ! I know just you want to have holiday from your duty that's it !

-jai: shut up ! As you did all the work I am the one who do all the work !

-Arya: hey!! Don't fight dad is sick right now !

-priya: she is right stop it you both !

The nurse come and told them that they must leave the room because they will prepare jai for the surgery also shaving his hair...jai hugged all if them but priya wanted to stay with him a little longer ...

-Priya: when you will tell her?

-jai: what I should tell ? And to whom?

-priya: don't be stupid jai ! When you will tell naina the truth of what happen and the reason of your wedding !

-jai: what I will get if I tell her? Maybe I will not leave? And I don't think she will forgive me!

-priya: this is the last chance jai! I'am sure she still loves you because if she don't she will not do all this to you the care and surgery!

-jai: priya please! She is doing what all doctors do to their patients so don't overreacte !

-Priya: OK fine do whatever you want !! By the way I wish you all the best bro !!

-Jai: thank you sis! ... They hugged each other

Naina was in the OT preparing her self she was somewhere else she was so stressed !

The nurses bring jai to the OT and help him to lay down they placed the serum and contact the heart rate monitor to his body ...

Naina come her tears filled her eyes

- Jai: don't cry ! I feel like I came to someone's funeral!

-Naina : it's not like what you think! It's just that we don't want to lose you! Why you made me do this ?

-Jai: Don't worry, I know I'm in the hands of the most talented doctors... let's do this !  ..

They helped him to lay down .. Naina turned and just was trying to control her emotions! Jai's tear fall

-Jai: Naina...

-Naina turned and get closer to his bed saying : yes?

-Jai: I want to live ... His tears fall ....

Naina just looked at him with lots of sadness then nodded her head in yes ..

- Jai: if anything went wrong you will take care of Arya! ...

He opened his hand and try to ...naina understand him and she hold his hand saying; I will surely give you a chance to talk to your daughter!

Jai slept....

The surgery start ....

-nurse: Doctor fifteen minutes passed since you said let's start ... Will we do the surgery?

- doctor: shhh .. Wait until the doctor will injecte the patient!

Riya was looking at her friend inside the room from the window " why the hell naina is froze she even didn't opened the skull ? " self talk 

-Naina : what should I do? what should I do ? ... She was thinking closing her eyes

-Naina: Doctors, we will do this surgery through the nose It's a nasal screw insertion give me the telescope !

-doctor: This means that we will infiltrate through the nose into the brain to destroy the tumor without causing any damage ... Dr.sharma you're just genius..

After six hours...

-doctor : This is the sensitive part of the brain. If something goes wrong, he will die or Or complete body paralysis it's a big risk ...

-Naina: he is fine..we finished the right side now it the left side .......done!
heart rate monitor send notification...

-Doctor: The patient's condition is unstable, it seems that we have delayed the intervention...

Naina: OH MY GOD His pulse and pressure are slowing down, he can go into a coma, we must save him!! Give me the electric pulse device set it to 120 Focus on the this us impossible his heartbeat is weak ! no jai come on fight back jai you can't leave us and go like this come jai breathe come on jai breathe

-doctor : the monitor is ready we can shock him

-naina: put it on two hundred ....come on jai respond ! Do it in tree handred sixty !!

-Doctor: Dr.sharma: this a very High percentage

-Naina: we don't have time we can lose him ! Put it on tree handred sixty now!!!

-Doctor: OK

Naina shocked him more then three times but without success... she stood their shocked looking at him she just kept looking at him ...

Suddenly jai took a deep breath .. Naina just smiled and the whole team did so

-doctor: wonderful Dr. Sharma you just have made a mirecle .... You saved the patient !

One day after in night....

Naina was in jai's room waiting him to open his eyes while she hopei their will be no complications .. Jai opened his eyes slowly and utter out Naina's name ...she felt happy when she heard him...she sat next to him holding his hand ...

-Jai: naina you know I was completely sure that you can do it ... Thank you

-Naina: you don't have to thank me it's my duty to all my patients ...

Suddenly the nurse come ....

-nurse: Dr. Sharma there is an emergency many people are here and their conditions are critical we need you please come...

-Naina: I am coming..

Naina left jai and went...Jai take a sight and said :

-Jai: this hospital needs you Naina , mujhe bhee (me too) .....

★ how it was the surgery ?

★ what do you think jai is meaning by he needs her ?

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