chapter 10

146 5 11

The whole people get to know about the news, also media come to the hospital while some of them went to jai's office to find out the truth ....

the journalists were askig questions all the same time like : what's the relationship between naina and jai ? ... Have they slept together before ? Or because naina in CEO of the HOPE hospital is taking opportunity to make affairs with her patients? And many rude questions....

Naina didn't answer any of their questions while riya was trying to convince them that it's only rumors and nothing is true they got wrong information ..

Naina & Jai got a call....

Naina's call was from authorities , they told her that your hospital will be closed forever and Your name has been removed from the Medical Syndicate also .. Your medical license has been permanently revoked !

Naina's phone fall from her hand ...

She broke down  she scream : why !!!!!!  .... While her tears fall for the first time since long time she cried a lot ...


Jai's call it was from the court and they told him that He lost custody of his daughter and her grandfather (her mom's father) will take her away from jai .. Because they though if the Father wasn't respectful and irresponsible how could he raise his daughter ...

It was too much for jai he knelt down shocked and it ends with his tears fall from his face
He cries too ...

Priya came to her brother she got to know the new ... She found him completely broken she just hugged him ...

-Jai: what will happen now ?! I will not lose arya I will fight the world for her ! I will not let that bastard take her away from me ...

Suddenly he remembered naina !

-Jai: and naina what happen to her I am sure something happens to her...

-Priya: she lost the hospital forever...

-Jai: what ?!!! How the hell could they do this to her ?! I will not leave that bastard who had give those pictures to the media  ...

but first I have to meet naina ...

They went to hospital and jai went to naina's cabin was so dark also nurse told Jai that she didn't went out from the cabin since the interview from the morning...

Jai knocked the door but no one answer ... So he enters the cabin...

He found her standing on the window and was looking at the sky while tears are falling from her eyes ...

Jai approached her and put his hand on her shoulder to pay her attention..

-Jai: naina ... He called her in soft voice...

-Naina: leave immediately !

-Jai: naina please...

-Naina : why the hell you comeback to my life !! Why  the hell I get to know you ?? Why!!!! My life become miserable since I met you... my family abandoned me ! They tried to buy me to someone else ! Since I saw I didn't see the peace in my life ! I curse the day I met you!!!

-Jai: naina I know what happen to you is not easy ...

Naina turned and cut him with angry voice : No you don't! You don't know anything what happen to me! You don't know even one percent ! Do you know what happen to me ? I lost my hospital which I worked for it for 20 years !.... I lost my medical license forever ! My name has been removed from the Media Syndicate ! ... You don't know anything! You don't know the extreme pain I am feeling now I feel my heart will go out from my chest ! I cant breath! You absolutely don't know what happened to me I am totally broken ... Why the hell you comeback to my life why ?!!

She said it all at once while walking closer to jai beating his chest with her arms crying ....

Felt bed so bed also hurt he grabbed her both arms and shakes her ...

-Jai: you're not the only who lost everything ... Me too I lost my daughter I lost the custody of Arya ... I also lost the dearest thing in my life ! ....

He left her and moves away....

Suddenly naina felt strong pain in her head ... She was holding her head with both hands tight...

Jai didn't notice it because he was facing the window ... He notice that naina isn't responding to him he turned and saw her she was going to fall... He run to her , and naina fall in jai's arms fainted ..

Jai tried to wake her up but without success ! ...

He called the medical team to help him ...

After an hour of waiting inside the treatment room the doctor finally come outside...

Jai ,pooja,Dev all together: how is naina doing ? And what happen to her ?

-The Doctor : She suffers from cerebral shock, her condition is difficult, she cannot bear any pressures or problems during this period, she needs rest now, it will negatively affect her and may lead to her death, take care of her..

They stood all shocked....

★ do you think they deserve what has happened with them?

★ who do you think is the responsible for this rumors?

★ what do you think they will do to solve their problems ?

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