chapter 14

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Late in night ...

Jai was waiting naina to fall asleep... As she slept jai switched off the lights and keep admiring how beautiful and angelic she looked asleep...

-Jai : this is the naina I know so soft and angelic, but what I see in the whole day is absolutely the opposite .. I hope someday you can tell me what has happened in the past ten years and you can forgive me , Good night angry Dr.sharma....

Jai slept

In the morning ...

Naina woke up at 8am she took a shower and went to see what she will eat as a breakfast but Arya came to the room..

-Arya : Good morning friend How are you ?

-Naina : Good morning angel !  I'm absolutely fine .. Have you eaten your breakfast ?

-Arya : not yet .. Actually I used to have it with dad and family but I came here to call you because you're my best friend I want to eat with both of you !

-Naina : you're so cute my friend and also you care about your friends let's go to have our breakfast .. But before this I need my morning kiss ? ...

Arya laughed and gives Naina a kiss then said : you're like my dad , he always asks me for a morning kiss..
Naina stood silent for a while then she said : because he loves you and couldn't start his day without you...
Let's go now...

-Arya : yes I am Hungry ...

They went to opene the room door but it was Locked , someone should open it from outside ..

-Naina : Oh god what should we do now ?

-Arya : let's call dad on his phone !

Naina called jai and asked him to come and opened the door and he immediately came ...

Jai started trying to open the door ...

-Jai : both of you move away from the door ..

Arya moved away but Naina didn't...
Jai was pushing the door as hard as he can and suddenly the door opened and Jai bumped into Naina who standing facing the door and that's how they fall together on the bad and Jai was on the top of Naina...

There was no space between them their forehead met they could feel each other heartbeat and breath .... The position they were made Arya think that they kissed...

She run out screaming : OH MY GOD ! Dad kissed my friend .. She went and told priya , Riya and dev...

Naina immediately pushed dev away and got up from the bed .. Punishing Jai ..

-Naina : what is this dirty moves ! Why you're doing all this and look what Arya though ! ... She said it screaming at Jai...

-Jai : shut up ! I think you have memory issues I told you to move away from the door  but you didn't ! It's not my fault ! And I am sorry for what Arya did...

- Naina : yes yes why not ? Do mistakes and say sorry it's so simple right ? Arya is a little girl I will not blame her but you ...

Jai cut her: What will you do ?

Jai stood shocked will she really do it ? That's all what he was thinking...

- Jai : really ? with which accusation ?

- Naina : that you're trying to get close to me !

-Jai : really ? Let me remind you Dr.sharma that your my wife in front of the world ... And I have the ability to get close to you because  you're my legal wife !and if you're thinking to expose the truth believe me you will be the loser and you will never be able to clean your image in front of people and specially your family !

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