chapter 16

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After one week...

Jai was in his room preparing himself for leaving to the office then suddenly got a call from unknown number jai answered the call ...

" Hello Mr.mehra I am Dr.sharma's lawyer also I am the helper of your lawyer .."

-Jai : I am hearing you ...

-The lawyer : Dr.sharma told everything about your case Mr.Jai and New information has arrived regarding your ex-father in law ..

-Jai : which information ?

-The lawyer : It is information that allows you to win the case if it is confirmed and Dr.Sharma 's properties will be free again and she will get her Clean image back

-Jai : this is an amazing news !

-the lawyer: Yes, Mr. Mehra, it will settle the court case in your favour and in this situation, you don't need to be married...

Jai stood silent for sometime ...

-Jai : I don't need to be married ... And when will the situation be certain?

-The lawyer : the last session will be Friday..

-Jai : OK I understand thanks..

Jai ended the call .. He was so happy that finally he will get Arya back..

-Jai :The case will be resolved and I will meet with my daughter, Thanks God... OK but why I am feeling unconformable ? ..

Jai sat on the couch ..

-Jai : I will get my daughter back , but Naina ? This game will finishe Sooner or later we arrived to the End .. I will win the case and naina will go ..

Jai went out from his room and was going downstairs and suddenly he bumped into naina while she was going upstairs ..

-Jai : Sorry..

-Naina : it's OK...

- Jai : Do  you the news ?

-Naina : yes I know...

-Jai : thank you for your help...

They looked at each other for minutes...

-Jai: would you like to go to walk in the evening maybe ..

Naina didn't expected this from jai : I will  think about it..

-Jai: thanks..

Late in the evening jai finally come home... He was waiting for Naina to go for their walk..

-Jai : it's cold wear something comfort you..

-Naina : I know...

They went to the Beach walking together but their minds somewhere else...

-Jai: will you stay silent ?

- Naina : let's sit here...

- Jai: OK...

They sat...They were looking at each other...

Naina was going to say something...

-Jai: " if you're going to say something which will spoil the moment I prefer that you stay silent don't say anything not now  " - self talk -

-Jai: have you find difficulties to speak? It's better to speak in a far place , but not here and you're not ready for it ! Look don't be sad just leave it don't explain anything I will wait you until you want to talk..

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