Kao still not really enjoying it, wanting to break up with her but not succeeding, put his hands on her shoulders, pushed her away and walked away from her, went behind her, speaking at the same time.

Kao: but Seo ji do you think it's a good idea?! Isn't it better that we both turn this page at once?! Forget that day, and what happened at the party?! ... And...

Seo ji turns to him, a little angry that he's trying to deny what she wants, but controlling as she turns to look at him, talking at the same time.

Seo ji: but that's what I'm proposing to you p'Kao... That's why I want the trip... To fix everything and then forget about it...

Kao a bit not knowing what to do, and not wanting to make this trip.

Kao: but do this now?!

Seo ji: what's the matter my love?! Don't you want to travel with me?!

Kao stumbling over his words.

Kao: No! .. It's not... that's it... it's not...

Seo ji: so is what?!

Kao: We can go to so many places... Why do we have to go back to that place?!

Seo ji upset to see Kao doing so many turns, raising his voice a little.

Seo ji: because there is symbolic for me p'Kao...

Kao unable to end the relationship, gave a light sigh, trying to conform, and find a way to end it all.

Kao: Good... Since that's what you want!..

Seo ji smiling, grabbed Kao's suit, making a cute face.

Seo ji: So let's go! ... Go .. The sooner the better... doing a worried look... I don't know if you understand! that's where I completely lost you in that place, you see.. And I desperately need to find myself again... Are you going to make the arrangements?! Hmm...

Kao still not conforming, but he had no other solution, he saw that he would hurt her if he refuses, not liking it, with a serious look and unwilling to do so.

Kao: alright I will ask p'piak to solve this...

Seo ji a little angry.

Seo ji: no, I'm referring to the idiot Earth, it's Earth that authorizes Maya to come with us... Seo ji turns and turns his back on Kao, with a look that really wants Maya to go with them... The girl won't go with us without Earth's permission, isn't that right...

Kao: It's fine! ... I'll think of the best way to ask for this permission on him...

Seo Ji hearing this with his back to Kao, gave a smile at the corner of his lips, happily turned and walked over to Kao, put his hands around his neck, gave him a kiss.

Seo Ji: Thank you so much my love... I knew you wouldn't deny me that... I love you...

After this conversation with Seo ji, Kao leaves the bedroom and goes to the company, when he arrives at the company he sees Earth next to Kimmom talking to him about work, jealously approaches them both, fixing his gaze on the two, annoyed to see Kimmom near Earth, looks at Kimmom.

Kao: N'kimmom I need the documents I asked you yesterday... Kao look in Earth... N'Earth I need to talk to you now...

Earth not liking his behavior, angry that he had interrupted his conversation with Kimmom.

Earth: But now?! Can't you wait a little longer?! Kimmom and I are solving company issues... This is important...

Kao serious and angry.

(KaoEarth) The Force Of DestinyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant