Part 41 : The Unseen

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Slumping his shadowy shoulder, to spiral-masked man bemoans, "Ahh, why do I have to go alone?"

Ignoring the flamboyant shinobi's comment, Pain added, "I'll travel with you to Kiri. We'll split once we've entered the border, and I capture the six-tails."

Sasori asks their leader with his mechanical voice, "and the Nine-Tails?"

"The Kyūbi must be last, or we risk halting our plans," Konan told him.

"Zetsu, travel to Konoha and gather intel," Pain continued. "If someone like Uzumaki Naruto is capable of escaping Kisame, we can no longer take him lightly. Whatever reports we had on his capabilities are now virtually meaningless."

Removing the three-bladed sickle from his shoulder, Hidan asks, "and Itachi? I mean, what's stopping him from telling everyone our plans? He could seriously get in our way."

"Kami, why do you think we're rushing the plan, you idiot," Kakuzu jowled.

"Itachi is no fool," Pain told the group. As if thinking several steps ahead with his unique eyes, he asserts, "he's aware how quickly word will reach us should he reveal what he knows, and when he does—because he most certainly will—I'll eviscerate every trace of Hidden Leaf and make him watch as I kill his brother in the most painful retribution."

It was all these elite Missing-nin needed to hear before flickering out of existence one shadowy wisp at a time.



Under the evening sky, an excited Naruto happily walks with Gaara & Kankurō to his right, and Temari & Baki to his left. The breeze was gentle and cool to the touch, brushing their hair and flowing their clothes. Temari, Gaara, Kankurō, and Baki were dressed in more formal wear of their typical dress—a black kimono with a red slash for Temari, and black slacks and dress shirts for the three men—however, despite the casual affair, Naruto wore his typical orange and black tactical gear along with the black haori with red flames at the hem that Jiraiya gave him.

They were walking up the paved street to Kurenai's home with their ANBU escort remaining hidden, talking about aspects of their villages. Despite the ANBU detail following the Sand-nin from the shadows, everyone seemed to enjoy the moment. Temari, Kankurō, nor Baki asked Naruto for more details about Akatsuki or his sources. They followed Gaara's lead. If the young unsocial, boy who used to hate the world and everyone in it could ignore impending danger to enjoy a night of frivolities, they'll happily accommodate him.

Casually placing his chakra-covered palm on the wood frame, the door unlocks as Naruto finished saying, "you know, a lot of people wouldn't have stolen their underpants, but I always figured, if the Hyūga didn't expect it, how could they see it coming, you know?" Naruto doesn't register their focus on his Fūinjutsu security as he opens the door for them. He calls out, "hello," as he lets them in.

Entering from the cool breezy night into the warm, savory-scented home was a pleasant exchange for the Sand-nin. Temari noted the cozy style of furnishing ahead of the dark oak accents and frames around the golden white walls clearly came from a stylish mind. From the paintings to potted plants, lamps, and family pictures, everything felt inviting and full of familial harmony. Stepping with a pep in her step, Kurenai walks around the corner, smiling as she cleans her hands on her cooking apron.

"Hello," she started, standing next to Naruto dressed in a long-sleeved red blouse and a white skirt under her black apron. "Welcome to my home."

Kankurō shook his head in exasperated disbelief at the sight of such a stunner with Naruto, while Temari thanked her for inviting them. Temari hands Kurenai a specialty dessert from Suna called Bakuraba before Kurenai tells them, "the others are setting up in the backyard if you want to help. Dinner should be ready in twenty."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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