Part 17 : Thick Comfort

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'I think it's time for some stories,' Naru-nii tells an exhausted Naruto one afternoon.


Sakura looked it up. There's no way her curious mind wouldn't research this after experiencing so many.

'The Human Orgasm,' she recites in her mind. 'There's a gradual increase in all the regions of the brain leading up to orgasm. When climax is reached the brains light up like a fireworks festival. When sexual activity is initiated, genital stimulation sends a signal to your limbic system—the emotional control center of the brain—and hippocampus—which is responsible for memory and fantasies. Steadily increasing pleasure activate the anterior cingulate cortex and the insular cortex during sex, inhibiting pain sensations—though there is a lot of research supporting that profound orgasms can even be achieved through pain. Steadily increasing pleasure activate your cerebellum which is responsible for increased muscle tension, making strange contorted faces and curling toes under persistent sexual stimulation.

'All the sexual activity builds to a grand crescendo. During orgasm, the brain releases oxytocin, a hormone, and neurotransmitter produced by the hypothalamus. In many women, oxytocin can trigger strong uterine contractions that pulse along with their orgasms; suggesting an evolutionary imperative that makes the vagina suck in the penis and semen to produce offspring.

'The hypothalamus and nucleus accumbens produce the grand explosion(s) of rippling sensations across the system. The heart is racing, pupils are dilated, breathing is taxing, and like a full sponge, the vagina wrings itself in majestic bodily fluids; Cumming. Meanwhile, the nucleus accumbens or the reward center of the brain rewards the body for all the sex with a flash-flood of sweet mind altering dopamine. This area, activated by many addictive things, such as chocolate, drugs, caffeine, or nicotine, and makes the body crave sex more to repeat the brain's reward system.

'It's biology,' Sakura continues to think, though physically breathless. 'Oxytocin is the 'bonding hormone' or the 'cuddle hormone.' Research doesn't show that the hormone produces emotional feelings, so I don't actually love this Naruto-looking-Ino. It's simply an effect of many orgasms.' Of which Sakura has been experiencing bountiful waves of.

Laying down in her bed, trying to catch her breath after an intense orgasm, Sakura is vaguely aware of Ino in Naruto's disguise checking her vibrator. Sakura isn't sure if she broke it or it just ran out of battery but she didn't care. All she cared about were those photos. Again, her heart aches at the thought of her love, like something within her is that much closer to breaking, but she has no idea what it is.

She just knows the more of this she does with Ino-henge'd-Naruto, the worse it feels. Still, Ino's already given her two photos so far, and if Sakura has any hope of ever being with Sasuke-kun again, she has to earn the rest and put them to flame so she can finally put this all behind her... as well as some revenge on Ino. 'It's all that matters,' Sakura reminds herself. 'It'll all be worth it at the end.'

When Ino grunts in frustration, Sakura returns her sharpening attention on the blond-disguised-blond. Sakura watches as Ino dispel the henge and stuffs her hand in her hotpants. The pinkette's mind begins to ask, 'is she...' when it dons on her. Ino is masturbating in her bedroom, and like a ton of bricks falling on her, Sakura realizes Ino must be frustrated. Recalling the week and a half they've been fooling around, Sakura doesn't recall a single time Ino had her own orgasm. 'She must be super horny.'

Sakura may have thought to return the favor, however, she had a rational suspicion the next task for a photo is taking the large vibrator in her vagina and Sakura felt her world be tarnished that much more by her former friend and rival. So rather than help her out, Sakura states, "okaa-san's going to be here any minute so, if you can leave, I'd appreciate it."

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